Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
Lacy Hutchinson
Special Education Teacher
High School
(217) 562 - 6600
Cathy Jones
AES Paraprofessional
High School
(217) 562 - 6600
Sarah Jones
District Technology Coordinator
High School
(217) 562 - 6600
Sabrina Jones
NPT Program Coordinator & Transition Specialist
High School
(217) 562 - 6600
Ryan Lipe
Driver Education & Enhancement
High School
(217) 562 - 6600
Lori Magnussen
Internet Course Facilitator (LLC)
High School
(217) 562 - 6600
Buena Lyn Martinez
Science Teacher
High School
(217) 562 - 6600
Casey Matheson
District School Psychologist
High School
(217) 562 - 6600
Kevin McDonald
High School
(217) 562 - 6600
Brent McKinney
PE & Health Teacher
High School
(217) 562 - 6600
Beth McLeod
Administrative Assistant / Athletic Director Secretary
High School
(217) 562 - 6600
Tim Miller
Social Studies Teacher
High School
(217) 562 - 6600
Anna Patton
Senior English Teacher
High School
(217) 562 - 6600
Sandy Pauley
District RN
High School
(217) 562 - 6600
Emily Perry
Agricultural Education Teacher
High School
(217) 562 - 6500
Kevin Reedy
Driver Education & Geography
High School
(217) 562 - 6600
Suzanne Robinson
Special Education Teacher
High School
(217) 562 - 6600
Casey Ruppert
Agricultural Education Teacher
High School
(217) 562 - 6500
Matt Sanders
Science Teacher
High School
(217) 562 - 6600
Amanda Skinner
District Technology Integration Specialist
High School
(217) 562 - 6600