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Stacy Smedley
Freshman English Teacher
High School
(217) 562 - 6600

Stile Smith
District Activities Director & PJHS Assistant Principal
High School
(217) 562 - 6600

Bonnie Sowarsh
6th - 9th Guidance Counselor
Junior High
(217) 562 - 6500

Deeanna Stalets
Junior English Teacher
High School
(217) 562 - 6600

Josie St. Pierre
Family & Consumer Sciences
High School
(217) 562 - 6600

Kelly Suey
NPT Executive Director
High School
(217) 562 - 8222

Jeni Tackett
Director of Student Services
High School
(217) 562 - 6600

Anita Thompson
Business Teacher
High School
(217) 562 - 6600

Carena Watson
Business & Software Teacher
High School
(217) 562 - 6600

Hillary Whalen
Math Teacher
High School
(217) 562 - 6600

Ashley Yockey
District School Psychologist
Elementary School
(217) 562 - 1510