Monday, FFA members traveled south near Kaskaskia College to compete in our districts Land Use Selection CDE. Students evaluated 4 different soil pits and determined the type of soil, its structure and the potential use for each pit. Pana placed in the top 10 for the contest and brought home a ribbon for the chapter.
over 3 years ago, Casey Ruppert
FFA Land Use Selection Team Members
​Come support the High School Volleyball team at their last home regular season game. Tonight is Pink night in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness month. So wear your pink!!! Sports Boosters will be hosting a silent auction and some of the proceeds will be given toward the pink night decorations.
over 3 years ago, Bridgett Heinrich
Mrs Pieper’s 4th gr students were working in google slides to create a poster on digital citizenship during TECH Time.
over 3 years ago, Hahnenkamp-K-5 Tech Integration
The Horticulture classes started some experiments today.
over 3 years ago, Emily Perry
Which one will take up color faster?
3rd gr students in Mrs Reiss’ class were learning how to use the tools in Google slides to create a poster about digital citizenship during TECH Time.
over 3 years ago, Hahnenkamp-K-5 Tech Integration
5th gr students in Mrs Glick & Mrs Mizeur’s classes created posters on digitization citizenship using Google slides. Some of them inserted videos & animation.
over 3 years ago, Hahnenkamp-K-5 Tech Integration
The Pana Fire Department visited us today to see how much we had already learned about fire safety this month. They conducted a fire drill (ALARM AND ALL!!) and they praised us for clearing the building in 1:33. That is a new record!!! Students K-2 listened to the firemen explaining about the truck, the tools they use, stop-drop and roll and about the importance of having working smoke detectors. Ask your kiddos what they know, and if you DO NOT have working smoke detectors in your home, please contact Mrs. Wysong for information ASAP!!
over 3 years ago, Cheri Wysong
Fire Safety
Learning about the truck
Learning about the tools firemen use
Crawl below the smoke and heat
WASHINGTON AND LINCOLN SCHOOLS' FUNDRAISER DELIVERY THIS WEDNESDAY!!! We are looking for volunteers beginning around 2 to help sort the delivery to have it ready for pickup at 3. If you are available, please contact Mrs. Lehn at Washington School ( or on ClassDojo).
over 3 years ago, Washington/Lincoln PTO
Mrs. Amling’s Psychology students have been busy learning about the brain and behavior. Students created edible neurons and Play-Doh brains to see first hand the location and functions!
over 3 years ago, Autumn Amling
A big THANK YOU goes out to Mrs. Schafer (our head cook) and her husband BOB for providing these beautiful WHITE pumpkins to our Kindergarten students. They will be used by the students for an ART project before they go home.... THANK YOU Ms. D and Bob for sponsoring this exciting event!
over 3 years ago, Cheri Wysong
Pumpkin Fun
1st graders in Mrs Crawford and Mrs Schmitz’s classes are practicing their drag & drop skills as well as how to resize & turn pieces to create their Jack-o-lanterns during TECH Time. Get ready because they are also writing about them. Wait til you see their 🎃&hear their stories.
over 3 years ago, Hahnenkamp-K-5 Tech Integration
2nd graders in Mrs Lehn and Mrs Schafer’s classes are creating Jack-o-lanterns on google slides by using the shape tools. They are also learning how to size the shapes, fill them in, border colors and weights, as well as how to copy and paste.
over 3 years ago, Hahnenkamp-K-5 Tech Integration
Mrs LaMarche’s 1st graders joined Ms Hahnenkamp’s BrainPop class during TECH Time. They were having fun seeing what BrainPopJr has for them.
over 3 years ago, Hahnenkamp-K-5 Tech Integration
Mrs Morrell’s 2nd graders are using a graphic organizer on google slides to help them with their creative writing assignment about their spider. Wait til you see & hear these stories in a few weeks.
over 3 years ago, Hahnenkamp-K-5 Tech Integration
These 3rd & 4th grade students tested their sling shots and recorded the distance. Two 3rd graders launched their Pom Pom 207inches.
over 3 years ago, Hahnenkamp-K-5 Tech Integration
Mrs. Chase's History of Rock class enjoyed listening to vinyl Beatles records as part of their Beatles research projects!
over 3 years ago, Pana Panther Choirs
Calling all Pana Parents and Students! Ever wanted to see the world and experience another culture firsthand? Well now you can! Pack your bags. We are off to Berlin, Prague, and the Alps in Summer 2023! Bring yourself and your parents to our in-person information session on Tuesday, October 26th at 6:00 PM, to learn more about our tour to Germany, Switzerland and the Czech Republic and how you can be a part of it. An RSVP for this meeting is required so we can keep you up to date on meeting information. Please RSVP here: See you all soon! I’m excited to have something for us all to look forward to.
over 3 years ago, Amanda Skinner
Germany Trip
Positive Office Referrals went out to Brooklyn Beck, Kahlen Frost, Alexis Coleman, Morgan Frost, and Cayden Hankins this week! Congratulations and keep up the great work!!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Mayhall
Positive Office Referrals
Happy Boss's Day to Kevin McDonald and Heath Strom. PHS would like to thank them for all the support that they give to students and staff. We appreciate all the little and big things that you do!
over 3 years ago, Cayla Beyers
If you are planning to attend the football game tomorrow in Nokomis please be aware the bleacher seating is very limited. You would be advised to bring a lawn chair.
over 3 years ago, Kevin McDonald