Attn Seniors: Do you like free money? If so, apply for scholarships! ALL scholarships, including athletic scholarships, have been posted. Follow the link or see Mrs. Maxwell for hard copies. https://sites.google.com/a/panaschools.com/phs-counselor/scholarship-information

Good Morning Everyone! Please see the link below for the latest Newsletter from the PEF! Also, please remember to get your tickets for the upcoming dinner! Tickets are only $10!!! Let us do the cooking! Tickets must be purchased by April 21st at 2pm.

This week PHS features Mrs. Cathy Jones!

Streaming online all day on Fri April 16 & Sat April 17: PHS Drama Club's online performance of "10 Ways to Survive Life in Quarantine" by Don Zolidis! Join us at: https://www.broadwayondemand.com/series/iPrxhc8wft8y-10-ways-to-survive-life-in-quarantine--pana-high-school

High School Yearbooks are for sale!!! Follow the link to reserve yours today! https://yearbookforever.com/schools/pana_high_school_buy_yearbook_9924/NuDCqCHFF9lbMpfiLvs7o67w

Having some fun with graphing M&Ms in Mrs. Crawford’s class!

PHS Intro to Art and Sculpture students explored Medieval shields. These classes got to create their own shield. Here is one example down below. Ask to see if your student created one!
#Artwork🎨 #Panthers🐾

No one is born a great cook, one learns by doing......and by taking silly pictures in disposable chef hats!

Rusty Cole, electrician from ADM, with Mr. Wood in his electricity flash suit. Rusty spoke to the ag construction class, who are currently doing a unit on electricity.

The physics students have been working for the past few weeks on designing and building mousetrap powered cars. 3D printing was utilized in making parts for the cars. We will continue testing designs for the next few days in class.

Tomorrow is Kindness Wednesday at Lincoln School. "Be Someone's Sunshine and BLUE skies"!! Join the fun by wearing blue tomorrow!!!!

Elementary Art students at Washington and Lincoln learned about Pop Artist Andy Warhol. They made their own Pop Art masterpieces!

PJHS Girls Basketball link for the Shelbyville game this evening is below:
Go Panthers!

Attention All Students 16 and older:
If you would like to receive the COVID vaccine, the CCHD will be coming to PHS to give it if enough people are interested in receiving it. If you are interested, please go to the high school office to sign up and pick up a consent form. This form MUST be signed by your parent or guardian and returned to Mrs. Pauley for you to get the vaccine. The CCHD is hoping to receive their shipment of vaccines between April 20-23.

Egg drop winners- Mr. Miller’s PBL class.

Streaming online all day on Fri April 16 & Sat April 17: PHS Drama Club's performance of "10 Ways to Survive Life in Quarantine" by Don Zolidis! Here is a poster with link and QR code to take you to our page for purchase and viewing! $10 plus $3.95 service fee. Join us!

Attention Parents:
Tomorrow’s PJHS Girls Basketball game at Shelbyville will NOT allow visiting fans. Due to a change in venue from the high school to the junior high, the limited space changes the capacity count for fans.
Thank you for your understanding. Go Panthers!

Today is the FINAL DAY of Washington and Lincoln's online book fair! Get those orders in and home libraries ready for some great summer reading!!

Times running out!!!! Take a browse through the Lincoln Elementary Online book fair!

Apologies for the Technical Difficulties:
Join in for the 2nd half of the Varsity Football game here: