The Pana Education Foundation presents their annual PEF Newsletter: A huge thank you to all those who support the PEF's endeavors to provide opportunities for our students via technology and scholarships. A special thanks to our 2020 - 21 Business Partners.

Lincoln School is holding an online book fair! Take a Look!

Mrs. Schmitz’s class had fun learning to code with our puppy. Students coded commands to move the puppy around obstacles. Thank you Ms Hahnenkamp for all your help!

Football Fans: Please note that if you are traveling to tonight's game at Carlinville, you will enter the field on the EAST side (which is behind the middle school gym). Go Panthers!

Congrats to this week’s Wall of Famers Jason Vernon, Alyssa Jones, and Trayson Cessna. They’ve been working hard and their teachers noticed! Way to go!

Congrats and Break a Leg to the cast and crew of "10 Ways To Survive Life in Quarantine" as they record their performances Thursday and Friday! They have all worked so hard and can't wait for everyone to stream and enjoy on April 16&17! More details to come!

Playing Yard of the Month at Washington school. Focusing on underhand and overhand throwing.

Having some fun with a scavenger hunt as we learn to measure in Mrs. Crawford’s class! 📏

The Pana Education Foundation is sponsoring their yearly Angelo's Drive Thru Dinner Fundraiser, which will take place on Wednesday, April 28, 2021.
Why not leave the catering to someone else and purchase your ticket today? For only $10, you will receive a marinated chicken breast, twice-baked potato casserole, green beans and a roll. Tickets can be purchased at any school office as well as the Unit Office.
Pickup will be at the PHS Circle drive on April 28, 2021 from 4p.m. to 6p.m.
All profits support PEF Scholarships for students furthering their education, the 1:1 Chromebook program and the Classroom Mini-Grant Program.
Again, the PEF thanks you all for your generous support!

Intro to Ag classes are making ice cream today!

Here' s unique way the PHS Music Deparment is celebrating Music In Our Schools Month - HANDCHIMES! Enjoy!

March is Music in Our Schools Month, so to celebrate, The Pana Music Department proudly presents the "Music in Our Schools 2021 Concert"!
Please enjoy the concert through this link: https://youtu.be/OOZdv2ciEco

During today’s early dismissal, students in physical education classes had a chance to learn or have a refresher in CPR.

Reminder! PJHS Spring Pictures are tomorrow, Thursday, March 25th.

Just a reminder that today is a School Improvement Day and school will dismiss early. At Lincoln Elementary we will start loading buses at 12:05 and the car riders, walkers and bike riders will be dismissed as soon as the last bus is gone at approximately 12:20.

The students in Mrs. Beyers' classes have paired up with Pana Community Easter Egg Hunt to help fill the eggs for this weekend's hunt. While filling the eggs we discussed job skills and the importance of helping out in our community. The students enjoyed supporting an organization that provides a fun activity. Their words of wisdom to the kids is to not eat all the candy at once!

March 22, 2021, Pana CUSD #8 Superintendent Jason Bauer wishes to share the following information:
Superintendent Letter #1 https://5il.co/qufx

Congrats to the FFA 8th place Dairy Judging Team!

Does muscle fatigue affect reaction time and fine motor skills? Ask an Anatomy & Physiology student!

Mrs Lehn’s students practiced self-control while learning how to work together on the same jam board. Ms Hahnenkamp was so proud of them!