Celebrating 100 Days of School at Lincoln Elementary today!

Celebrating 100 days of school at Lincoln Elementary today!

Mrs Rodman’s 2nd graders had fun working google sheets to create the #100 during Tech Time with Ms Hahnenkamp. #100DaysSmarter

Mrs Reynolds’s KDG students worked on creating the #100 by filling in cells on google sheets today with Ms Hahnenkamp. They are #100DaysSmarter

Mrs. Smith’s Kindergarten had a fun time celebrating 100 Day by making our 100 day crowns and our 100 day Froot loop necklaces.

Happy 100th day from Mrs. Crawford’s first graders! We had so much fun celebrating 💯 days of school today! 🥳 #100dayssmarter

Mrs. Reynolds’ class is celebrating the 100th day of school today! We made crowns and necklaces from 100 pieces of cereal!

Attention Parents of PJHS Student Athletes: ICYMI, attached are the guidelines for home spectators that were send home with your athletes in the past few days. Please contact Mrs. Ellis, Mr. Haston, or your child's coach if you have any questions.

Mrs. Schmitz’s class had fun celebrating the 100th Day of School today! They did lots of fun math and craft activities and celebrated reaching this special day in our school year.

Great job Will for being a good friend in art today! Will gave the last silver paper to his friend instead of using it for himself although he also wanted it. What a great example of selflessness! Mrs. Crawford and Mrs. Holman are proud of you!

2nd graders in Mrs Lehn’s class learned how to play Blooket during Tech Time with Ms Hahnenkamp. They enjoyed practicing their addition facts with this game. Look who made the leader board.

3rd graders in Ms Rodman’s class practiced their multiplication facts by playing Battle Royale on Blooket. Looked who won the games.

5th grade Blooket winners from Mrs Maxedon & Mrs Chernisky’s classes. These kids know how their multiplication facts. It was quite competitive.

February 1, 2021, Pana CUSD #8 Superintendent Jason Bauer wishes to share the following information:
Superintendent Letter #1 https://5il.co/p6ks
Superintendent Letter #2 https://5il.co/p6kt
Superintendent Letter #3 https://5il.co/p6kr

Happy School Counselor Day to our two wonderful counselors at PHS. Priscilla Maxwell and Bonnie Sowarsh your guidance and support are indispensable to both the teachers and students. You make each day at PHS a great day!

Parents, Guardians and Students: Please see the letter linked to this post regarding upcoming sport events.
SCC Letter 1.29.21 https://5il.co/p4d3

First day in the kitchen this year! Foods & Nutrition 2 is making sure everything is clean and ready to use!!

Family & Consumer Science classes play Silent Ball to practice non-verbal communication like using eye contact and reading body language. The rounds were only slowed down by frequent breaks to sanitize hands and ball.

PHS Craft Students are working on full sized Masks. Paper mache & glue masks. We discussed history of masks earlier this week. #Creativity #Art🎨 #Arthistory #Panthers🐾

This week PHS features Mrs. Laurie Berns!