Currently, Illini Grad Sales is presenting a deal for class rings, jackets, or Senior Graduation packages.

December 7, 2020, Pana CUSD #8 Superintendent Jason Bauer wishes to share the following information
Superintendent Letter 1 https://5il.co/nnwj
Superintendent Letter 2 https://5il.co/nnwi
Superintendent Letter 3 https://5il.co/nnwh

PHS Final Exam Schedule

What exactly does a Population Pyramid tell us about a country’s population? Ask a PHS Biology student!

December 4, 2020, Pana CUSD #8 Superintendent Jason Bauer wishes to share the following information
Superintendent Letter 1 https://5il.co/nm44

We wish Mr. Higgins the very best as he pursues a new path starting in January. PJHS was lucky to have you, and we know you’ll do GREAT things in your new role! You will be missed!

Merry Grinchmas from Mrs. Schmitz’s Class!

Horticulture Update: We are sold out to Aloe but still have some little spider plants available.

And to finish off the week in Zoology & Botany...
Earthworm dissections!

This week PHS features Mr. Jason Storm!

December 3, 2020, Pana CUSD #8 Superintendent Jason Bauer wishes to share the following information
Superintendent Letter 1 https://5il.co/nklx
Superintendent Letter 2 https://5il.co/nkly

Check out Mrs. King's Balloons on Broadway Parade. Her class did an amazing job!

Today was the first day our students got to try out the new driving simulator in Mr. Lipe's drivers ed class. I think they loved it and it created another learning experience for the kids!

More creative work by 3rd & 4th graders. There were so many great pictures created.

Ms. Hahnenkamp challenged 3rd & 4th graders to create a picture around a circle that she provided in a google drawing. 👀 at the creative ideas they came up with.

When everyone is the class passes the Constitution exam- you celebrate!

The horticulture class is hoping to make some room in the greenhouse by selling a few plants. They would like $5 for the larger Aloe and $2 for the smaller ones. The small spider plants are $1 each. Email Mrs. Perry at eperry@panaschools.com to place an order and arrange for pick up.

December 2, 2020, Pana CUSD #8 Superintendent Jason Bauer wishes to share the following information
Superintendent Letter 1 https://5il.co/nijw
Superintendent Letter 2 https://5il.co/nijv

December 1, 2020, Pana CUSD #8 Superintendent Jason Bauer wishes to share the following information
Superintendent Letter https://5il.co/nhav

Mrs. Schmitz’s Class is having fun playing games to learn their subtraction facts.