PJHS: Picture Day is Monday, October 26th. Remote Learners: If you would like your picture taken, a time has been reserved for you from 10-10:30 A.M. that day. Please call the office (562-6500) to reserve your spot. More information will be sent home next week.

Ms. Hahnenkamp was amazed at the candy towers that Mrs. Lehn’s 2nd graders constructed. They were using what they learned in their designs.

Washington School can’t camouflage their love for Mrs. Wysong! Students and teachers dressed in camo to celebrate their “Commander in Chief”. Teachers will celebrate tomorrow with a special luncheon in her honor. Thank you, Mrs. Wysong!

Mrs. Sloan’s 4th grade began coding today with Ms. Hahnenkamp.

Miss Rodman’s 3rd graders were hard at work building their candy towers. They were using the knowledge they learned last week from Ms. Hahnenkamp’s lesson. Some interesting designs. The highest free standing structure was 5 1/2”.

Happy Boss’s Day (a little early) to our “in the trenches” principal, Mrs. Wysong! She always fights for the very best for our students and teachers. We appreciate all of her hard work and dedication. We ♥️ Mrs. Wysong!

Attention Panther Nation- The wait is over...the final, edited version of Graduation 2020 can be viewed here at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wLLkFN5r3c
Class of 2020-we will have a final round of pickup for your grad photos, yearbooks, etc. the week of October 26th. You may stop by the circle drive any day between 8AM-3:30PM to pickup your items. We have something for each one of you! If you would like to purchase a USB drive with the entire ceremony with bonus features, please email Mrs. Adam at cadam@panaschools.com. You can also download the video from YouTube for free. Thank you to PrarieSkyCam for creating an amazing final product!

Celebrating PJHS Wall of Famers Evan Nichols-Green, Mitchell Altman, Wyatt Kile, Paige Smith, Jenna Altman, and Lillyanna Rochkes! Thank you for your class engagement and participation! 🥳

Attention Remote Learning Parents and Guardians:
If your child is coming back for in person learning on Monday October 19th, please call Jeff Stauder at 562-1524 to arrange transportation, no later than 12pm Friday, October 16th.

A favorite in Mrs. Crawford’s class! We loved this book and look how cute these little mummies turned out! 😊

25 Mile Club
Runner Chloe Heldebrandt

25 Mile T-shirt Club

LINCOLN AND WASHINGTON SCHOOLS: See note below about the delivery of your child's fundraiser items!!

Christmas came early at Lincoln Elementary thanks to an equipment grant! Check out our shiny new stove! That will definitely cook up some awesome breakfast and lunches for our kiddos!!!

NPT and Lincoln Elementary would like to give a HUGE shout out to the Pana special education staff! Every month the special education teachers are required to check and correct class lists and then resubmit them. For the month of September, 100% of the special education teachers from Pana returned them, on time!!! Way to go!!!!

This week we feature Mr. Ryan Lipe!

Mrs. King’s 3rd grade rocking shaving cream math and vocabulary review.

Engineering in Mrs. Maxedon’s fifth grade class.

Seniors - An important message for next Wednesday!

Don't miss new employment opportunities posted: