Attention Food Service: The ROE in-person training on August 6th has been cancelled.
over 4 years ago, Amanda Skinner
Online Registration Clarification: In order to register a child online, login to your Lumen account: If you need assistance with login credentials (forgotten password, first-time user, etc), please send an email to for assistance.
over 4 years ago, Amanda Skinner
Registration begins on Wed. July 22. Please make the time to get online and register soon.... ps- teacher names are NOT on the registration paperwork, they will be released once we know the number of students returning to in-person and the number for remote instruction at each grade level. This will help me create balanced class lists based on those numbers so we can best meet the needs of everyone. pps- The district plan for the return to school was released on July 21 and each individual school specific plan (based on that district plan) will be released on July 31. The specifics will be based on the most up to date guidance available. Thank you for your patience with this process....... I can't wait to see you all again-- and please call if you have questions or need assistance!
over 4 years ago, Cheri Wysong
Washington School
Lincoln Elementary School Supply Lists for 3rd, 4th and 5th Grades.
over 4 years ago, Lincoln Elementary (Mrs. Millburg)
school supplies
PHS Parents and Students: Student Parking Stickers can be obtained by completing the following form. You will be emailed by Mr. Strom with your pass number once approved.
over 4 years ago, Amanda Skinner
Parents and Guardians: Below is the 2020-21 detailed District Transition Plan as we move forward with the reopening of our schools. Please be sure to read the detailed description of each learning option prior to registering your student(s).
over 4 years ago, Jason Bauer
Parents and Guardians: The link below will take you to a summary of important components regarding the 2020-21 school year. A complete listing of district dates of attendance is available on the website under "2020-21 Dates & Times."
over 4 years ago, Jason Bauer
Pana CUSD 8 is providing the most up-to-date 2020-2021 School Calendar with important dates and time dismissals.
over 4 years ago, Jason Bauer
The United Methodist Church will host a Back-to-School Supplies Giveaway for those in need on Saturday, August 8th. This is for students of the Pana School District only. See flyer below for times:
over 4 years ago, Amanda Skinner
School Supplies Giveaway
Check out available employment opportunities here:
over 4 years ago, Amanda Skinner
I have attached the invite for a social distancing event hosted by Girl Scouts. It looks like it could be a fun one!!
over 4 years ago, Cheri Wysong
Invite from Girl Scouts
Parents, Students, & Staff: Please see the attached update as it pertains to the 2020-21 school year. Additional updates will follow next week. Stay safe!
over 4 years ago, Jason Bauer
Parents and Guardians: We are seeking your input regarding re-opening schools in the Fall. A few minutes of your time is appreciated. Please complete by Wednesday, July 8th.
over 4 years ago, Juletta Ellis Pana is at 59.9% response.... We need your help!! Please take just a few minutes and fill out your information.
over 4 years ago, Cheri Wysong
Each school or district will use these requirements to develop a local reopening plan. For more information about state requirements, visit
over 4 years ago, Amanda Skinner
ISBE State Guidelines
Families and Pana CUSD Staff: Please see the attached message.
over 4 years ago, Jason Bauer
Document Announcement
The Pana School Board meeting scheduled for Monday, June 22nd, will be available via live stream. The public budget hearing begins at 6:15 with the regular meeting following at 6:30 pm.
over 4 years ago, Amanda Skinner
Class of 2020: Please pick up your signs and posters at PHS. They are there 8-11.
over 4 years ago, Anna Patton
A few last reminders for the Class of 2020: Signs & posters are at PHS. Pick up, 8-11; Mrs Skinner will be sending out Chrome info this week to decommission them; if you are ordering more grad pics, turn in form and money to PHS by Friday. Mrs Patton and Mr Tennell want to give a HUGE thank-you to all who helped to make graduation week so special!
almost 5 years ago, Anna Patton
PCUSD #8 Graduation Information This evening you will be able to watch the live YouTube stream of our ceremony at: A program of our ceremony is attached. Please join us as we honor our graduates!
almost 5 years ago, Mrs. Adam
Program Page 1
Program Page 2