almost 5 years ago, Lincoln Elementary (Mrs. Millburg)
Just a reminder that today is a scheduled half day and school will dismiss at 12:00.
almost 5 years ago, Lincoln Elementary (Mrs. Millburg)
Drumming with friends and Mrs Tynan during music class. #PublicSchoolsWeek2020 Ms Hahnenkamp’s class has the beat!
almost 5 years ago, Hahnenkamp-K-5 Tech Integration
Reviewing for our math test the Kahoot way in Mrs. Crawford’s class! Here’s our Kahoot winners: #PublicSchoolsWeek2020
almost 5 years ago, Mrs. Crawford
PJHS 6th Grade Art Students are using the I.C.E. Box Technology room today for their Stop Motion video creations with their Chromebooks!
almost 5 years ago, Megan Henkel
Come out for a fun night of bowling on March 14! http://bit.ly/2SnsW11
almost 5 years ago, Ashley Keeling
Biology students are reinforcing their understanding of the stages of mitosis by constructing flipbooks of the process.
almost 5 years ago, Matt Sanders
Biology student constructing a mitosis flipbook.
Ms Hahnenkamp’s kids choosing a new book to exercise their mind, then exercising their bodies in PE. #PublicSchoolsWeek2020 #publicSchools educate minds and bodies
almost 5 years ago, Hahnenkamp-K-5 Tech Integration
ATTENTION PARENTS! The YMCA will not be hosting Pana Schools this Wednesday (2/26/20). Our next YMCA after school program will be March 18th.
almost 5 years ago, Lincoln Elementary (Mrs. Millburg)
Place value is tough, but these kids are rocking it!
almost 5 years ago, Mrs. Crawford
Annabelle found a match!
PJHS is trying out the 3D printers in the I.C.E Box STEM lab.
almost 5 years ago, Juletta Ellis
Reminder for the week: Wednesday, February 26th, is a half-day school improvement day. All schools will dismiss 3 hours early.
almost 5 years ago, Amanda Skinner
Ms Hahnenkamp’s class tweeter of the day is showing the class at library this week and one of their favorite books.
almost 5 years ago, Hahnenkamp-K-5 Tech Integration
Ms Hahnenkamp’s class loves to go to music with Mrs Tynan! Dancing and drumming are so much fun!
almost 5 years ago, Hahnenkamp-K-5 Tech Integration
Mrs Holman has been teaching about functional and non-functional art. These are the projects that Ms Hahnenkamp’s class created. Are they functional or non-functional? The tweeter of the day took these pictures of what they do in art class.
almost 5 years ago, Hahnenkamp-K-5 Tech Integration
All of third grade doing a RAK for Brewin’ Hope Coffeeshop. We decorated the cardboard holders that go on the outside of their coffee cups. ❤️
almost 5 years ago, Mrs. King
Congratulations to Marshall Pierce and Jacen Stout who signed the Wall of Fame this week for being responsible students!
almost 5 years ago, Juletta Ellis
Foods & Nutrition classes made a memory match game to help learn what to look for and what to avoid when choosing fresh vegetables.
almost 5 years ago, Lindsay Shriver
Hockey season has officially started. A great 1st day of games.
almost 5 years ago, Brent McKinney
8th hour
8th hour
5th hour
5th hour
Pana FFA would like to invite you to breakfast on Wednesday the 26th from 6:30am to 8:00am. We will be serving at the Pana Ag Dept. Menu includes biscuits and gravy, pancakes, sausage, juice, milk, and coffee. Please comment below or rsvp to bwood@panaschols.com or to eperry@panaschools.com. The public is invited to come and help us celebrate National FFA Week!
almost 5 years ago, Emily Perry
Join us for Breakfast!