We love to eat dirt!!
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. King
Best. Dirt. Ever!
Eating some “dirt.”
Can I eat those worms??
Eating some delicious dirt!
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. King
Eating "dirt!"
Eating "dirt"
"Dirt is so good!"
Can you believe we are eating "worms?"
PJHS Drama Class will be performing “The Internet is Distracting...Oh Look a Kitten!” today at 3:00 in the PJHS Auditorium. Here are a few pictures from Thursday’s performance.
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Dameris
PJHS Drama Class
PJHS  Drama Class
Students in the Drama PBL (first time ever at PJHS) have been working very hard on a performance to share with their classmates on Thursday and their families on Saturday. We are nervous, but excited!
almost 6 years ago, Susan Ade
Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Mollusca Class: Cephalopoda Overall evaluation? Excellent day today in Zoology!
almost 6 years ago, Matt Sanders
Dissection Specimen photo courtesy Brooklyn Rueger
Sixth graders are ready to start the 4th quarter off strong! They will be using their reading and writing skills to prepare for the upcoming IAR assessments.
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Mayhall
In landscaping class, the students have planted seeds, now have seedlings growing. A major task accomplished was to have the students label their flats with plant name and variety.
almost 6 years ago, Mr Wood
seedlings labeled
The physics students spent several days designing and testing balsa wood bridges. The winning bridge held 131 lbs and weighed only 0.12 lbs when constructed.
almost 6 years ago, Mr. Cothern
Winning bridge design
Student Council is selling popcorn to raise funds for 2019 Homecoming activities. Orders and money due 03/15. See a PHS StuCo member to order!
almost 6 years ago, Student Council
Plt4m training in High School Physical Enhancement Classes. This is a way to integrate technology into the weight lifting classes to hopefully increase students knowledge on lifelong fitness.
almost 6 years ago, Mr. Lipe
Pt4m pics
Pt4m pics
English III is learning about Transcendentalism. We wrote our own poems last week and submitted them to a poetry contest. Good luck to all the students who entered!
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Stalets
Physical Enhancement Classes using PLT4M technology in the classroom. We have also used several new ideas in our physical education classrooms: Norwegian Longball, Switch, and Pacer Test Relays. These ideas came from the PE workshop we attended a few weeks ago.
almost 6 years ago, Mr. Bowker
Students using PLT4M on their chromebooks in Enhancement class
Los estudiantes de español uno están aprendiendo sobre la cultura española con información sobre "La fiesta brava"
almost 6 years ago, Señor Roberto Evaul
El matador
Freshmen are finishing reading Romeo and Juliet- projects are coming soon (due Friday, March 15)!
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Smedley
Comp 2 "Lucy" Project
almost 6 years ago, Anna Patton
Lucy Pic
Today's Driver Education classes were amazed to see how complex driving can be in urban settings like the Streets of San Francisco.
almost 6 years ago, Lynn Pumphery
PHS Zoology & Botany Class will be doing some dissecting this week! Focus is on the Phylum Mollusca!
almost 6 years ago, Matt Sanders
Clam and Squid Specimens for Zoology & Botany study of mollusks.
In Consumer Education Class we have been working on the student's portfolios by creating Resumes, Letter of Applications and Thank you letters that they will be able to use for future use.
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Thompson
Thank you Dr. Beyers for visiting our Introduction to Business class on Tuesday to discuss a variety of topics related to running a business.
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Watson
Julius Caesar vs. Marcus Brutus...It looks like a Pro-Caesar year!
almost 6 years ago, Mr. Shalter