Thank You Pana Education Foundation for getting us these AMAZING learning materials! We have already had a ton of fun in Mrs. Berner's Kindergarten class!!
The second grade crew can't wait to "dig" into a new year!!
We drank our magic Jitter Juice on the first day of school! It always takes away our first day jitters! Mrs. Crawford's first graders had no more nerves after this! 100% success rate every year so far 😉.
The kindergarten team can't wait to see everyone tonight at Meet The Teacher Night from 5:00-6:30. Don't forget your supplies!
First grade is so excited to meet our new little friends this evening at Meet the Teacher Night! See you soon! 👩🏫 🍎 ✏️ 📚 Washington School 5:00-6:30.
The second grade crew can't wait to "dig" into a new year!!
We drank our magic Jitter Juice on the first day of school! It always takes away our first day jitters! Mrs. Crawford's first graders had no more nerves after this! 100% success rate every year so far 😉.
Thank you to all the families that were able to attend our annual Open House last night! It was a great evening with over 250 people in attendance!
Mr. Bowker has been teaching at PHS for 24 years! He currently teaches Physical Education and Enhancement but you can find him helping out at many different sporting events as well! We are thankful to have Mr. Bowker on our staff, and all he does for our community and students!
6th-8th grade students who are not accompanied by an adult must sit in the junior high seating area in the North end zone. Students must remain in the North end zone for the entirety of the game. Students are not to walk the track or gather in groups without adult supervision.
Students in Pre-K through 5th grade attending home football games must be accompanied by an adult to gain entry into the game. They must sit with the adult through the entirety of the game. Students are not to walk the track or gather in groups without parental supervision.
Thank you to Michelle Anderson and the Pana Health and Rehab Center for the generous donation of school supplies from the residents and staff. Your kindness is truly appreciated!
Only in the PHS Biology room will you get to meet a Giant Millipede!!!
Tomorrow is our Open House night at PJHS. We look forward to seeing all PJHS parents!
Today's high school boys golf match and junior high baseball game have been cancelled.
Please see the attachment for the 2023-2024 PHS Football Spectator Guidelines.
Tomorrow is Open House at PHS from 5:00 - 6:00pm. We look forward to meeting all PHS parents!
Attention Panther Fans!! The Football game against Vandalia on Friday has been moved to 8:00 p.m. at Brummett Field. Tailgate will be from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Come out and support your Boys of Fall!
PHS Schoolwide Testing Dates:
Aug. 24 (MAP Test), Sept. 13(ASVAB), Dec 19 & 20(Finals), Jan 23(MAP Test), April 11(SAT/PSAT), April 30(MAP Test), May 16 & 17(Finals)
Stop in this Thursday for Open House at PJHS!