A big thank you to John McLeod, Terry Rodman, and GPI in Shelbyville. They provided Mrs. Rodman’s class with trees to plant. Mr. Rodman talked about why trees are so important to GPI. The class also planted three special trees to give to our new school when they are in 4th grade!
Mrs. Rodman’s class had a special visitor today, Mr. Rodman. He showed the class how paper cups are made and talked about the many different jobs at GPI. The class really enjoyed seeIng the robotics at GPI. Mr. Rodman also talked about why trees are so important to GPI. PART 1
Pana Schools Parents and Guardians: Please see the latest update regarding the incident at Pana Schools. As always, the safety and well-being of our students and staff is our number one priority.
Congratulations to the following Lincoln School students and staff members on being selected as our character trait winners for October. Our character trait for the month was SELF-DIRECT!
Congratulations to 3rd graders: Kohen Smith, Kaleb Compton, Claire Moore, Canon Cooper, Lila Edwards, Chloe Heldebrandt, Maddison McKenna, Bailey Mathis, David Evrley, Aliyah Wright
Congratulations to 4th graders: Hayvn Jerrell, Emalynn Enzor, Evelynn Cervi, Sophia Baldyga, Jayda Huddlestun, Rielle Casner, Karen Ivon, Brylee Goff, Colin Davis
Congratulations to 5th graders: Blaire Ade, Alexis Ellenberg, Gracie Simpson, Dean Schmitz, Lucy Ismael, Mariah Durbin, Justin Smith, Julia Mizeur, Keegan Pope, Norah Matthews, Kallie Morgason
Congratulations to our selected staff members: Deb Beyers, Angie Matthews, Kim Hahnenkamp, Ashley Wilhour, Beth King
Pana CUSD #8 Parents and Guardians: Please see the attached update regarding Pana Schools
At this time students do not have access to the building, but any student who has a spare set of keys can retrieve their vehicle from the parking lot.
Pana Schools Parents and Guardians: Please see the latest update regarding the incident at Pana Schools. As always, the safety and well-being of our students and staff is our number one priority.
PJHS Parents and Guardians:
We are no longer in a lockdown. If you would like to pick your child up for the day, you may do so. We ask that you access the junior high by taking Wilson Street. Tables will be set up outside for you to check out your student. Students will only be released to parents/guardians and/or emergency contacts.
Attention Pana Schools Parents and Guardians,
Please see the linked letter regarding Pana Schools.
Update: The 6th Grade Art students LOVE their mask creations & designs! They are all customized & different. Some students will add on more materials such as glitter and feathers.
A big thank you to Casey’s for donating sugar cookies for our third graders. They all had so much fun decorating and then eating their cookies!! 🎃
Mr. Matthews 6th grade social studies students finished up their final project for their Mesopotamia unit. Students had to create a one-page picture of important information from the unit.
Positive Office Referrals for the last week of October!
Mrs. Richards’ class has been having tons of fun! Last week they had Red Ribbon Week and today was Halloween! So many fun dress up days and activities! We ❤️ Third Grade!!
Mrs. Schmitz’s class had so much fun celebrating Halloween today!
Mrs. Schutt's Gardening class took some time to paint pumpkins last week! Happy Halloween!
These two sixth grade students in Ms. Williams ELA class designed and built a working windmill. Students just finished up reading the book The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind. Great job Royal and Mason!
Good Deeds Group enjoyed joining Pana Christian Church’s trunk or treat last night. We seen so many cool costumes and had a great time handing out candy.
Mrs. Chase's Junior High Exploring Music and Choir Classes loved performing for each other during their recital days! They practiced performing and audience skills and increased their confidence in singing! The future certainly is bright for Pana Music!
Are you ready for some football!!!!
2nd round of playoffs finds the Pana Panthers traveling to the home of the Fairfield Mules this Saturday with a 4pm kickoff.
Drop your plans and head on down. Let’s stand behind the SCC brotherhood and help us bring home a victory.Go Panthers!