Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
Cathy Jones
AES Paraprofessional
High School
(217) 562 - 6600
Sarah Jones
District Technology Coordinator
High School
(217) 562 - 6600
Sabrina Jones
NPT Program Coordinator & Transition Specialist
High School
(217) 562 - 6600
Ashley Keeling
8th Grade Science Teacher
Junior High
(217) 562 - 6500
Beth King
3rd Grade Teacher
Elementary School
(217) 562 - 1510
Brooke Kiser
Title I Paraprofessional & Playground Assistant
Elementary School
(217) 562 - 1510
Abby Kuhn
3rd Grade Teacher
Elementary School
(217) 562 - 1510
Erica LaMarche
1st Grade Teacher
Elementary School
(217) 562 - 1510
Candy Law
Title I Paraprofessional
Elementary School
(217) 562 - 1510
Kelly LeDuc
Special Education Paraprofessional
Elementary School
(217) 562 - 1510
Jennifer Lehn
2nd Grade Teacher
Elementary School
(217) 562 - 1510
Taylor Lenover
7th Grade Language Arts
Junior High
(217) 562 - 6500
Brittany Linn
Title I Paraprofessional
Elementary School
(217) 562 - 1510
Ryan Lipe
Driver Education & Enhancement
High School
(217) 562 - 6600
Lori Magnussen
Internet Course Facilitator (LLC)
High School
(217) 562 - 6600
Rebecca Mahnke
Title I Reading
Elementary School
(217) 562 - 1510
Michael Malisia
PE Teacher
Elementary School
(217) 562 - 1510
Nicole Martell
Elementary School Nurse
Elementary School
(217) 562 - 1510
Buena Lyn Martinez
Science Teacher
High School
(217) 562 - 6600
Casey Matheson
District School Psychologist
High School
(217) 562 - 6600