The only thing better than Rice Krispie/Fruity Pebble treats is Rice Krispie/Fruity Pebble treats with Mrs. Maxwell!!!
almost 3 years ago, Lindsay Shriver
Several scholarships available on the counselor site and in student services!! Deadlines will be here before you know it!
almost 3 years ago, Mrs. Maxwell
Please enjoy Mrs Chase's 6th grade exploring music class as they practice steady beat with Imagine Dragons' "Believer" and the cups!
almost 3 years ago, Pana Panther Choirs
Fifth grade Art students at Lincoln learned about American artist Heather Galler and used her inspiration to make self portraits!
almost 3 years ago, Mrs. Holman - Art
5th grade art
5th grade art
5th grade art
5th grade art
Congratulations to Micah Meadows , Alyssa Pieper, Cayden Boykin, Cadence Jones, Grace Elliot, and Gatlon Worker for being selected as Students of the Month!
almost 3 years ago, Mrs. Mayhall
8th Grade
6th grade
7th grade
Pana Jr. High Panther Den and cafeteria staff serving breakfast to our heroes! Thanks for keeping our community safe police, firefighters, and EMS!
almost 3 years ago, Mr. Miller
Clothing & Textiles class works on color and texture by coloring a patchwork quilt!
almost 3 years ago, Lindsay Shriver
Clothing & Textiles class works on color and texture by coloring a patchwork quilt!
almost 3 years ago, Lindsay Shriver
Horticulture classes worked hard to start some seeds in the germination chamber today.
almost 3 years ago, Emily Perry
seeds :)
planting seeds
placing trays in the germination chamber
Foods & Nutrition 2 had a choice between making Spaghetti or Alfredo. They decided.... BOTH!!
almost 3 years ago, Lindsay Shriver
Just a reminder that Wednesday is a 1/2 day, early dismissal day and there will be no lunch served on this day.
almost 3 years ago, Lincoln Elementary (Mrs. Millburg)
PJHS 3rd Quarter Exceptional Honor and Honor Roll Students!
almost 3 years ago, Mrs. Mayhall
PHS Intro to Art students LOVE 3D printing recently. Students had the option of designing Medieval Shields on the 3D printer or design one out cardboard. See the results below! Sometimes requests for animals happens too! #Shields🛡 #Frogs🐸 #Panthers🐾 #Artwork🖌🎨 #PHS🔶️🔷️
almost 3 years ago, Megan Henkel
students frogs 2
cardboard 1
port 2
Lifetouch Spring Picture Day is Thursday, March 24th. Packets have been sent home. If you need another one, they are available in the office.
almost 3 years ago, Mrs. Mayhall
Spring Picture Day
The Pana HS baseball game scheduled for today vs Okaw Valley has been cancelled.
almost 3 years ago, Adam Haston
U.S. History CP students are rocking their mock trials this week!
almost 3 years ago, Autumn Amling
Mrs. Reynolds’ Class has been patiently waiting for 3 weeks for our eggs to hatch. We ended up with 9 fluffy yellow chicks! Thank you to the Ag in the Classroom program through the U of I Extension office for providing eggs and supplies!
almost 3 years ago, Mrs. Reynolds
Baby chicks are so soft!
We were so excited!
They just love the chicks!
Freshly hatched
Mrs. Reynolds’ Class had an exciting St. Patrick’s Day. Families made traps to try to catch a leprechaun. We didn’t have any luck, but we had lots of fun!
almost 3 years ago, Mrs. Reynolds
We wore lots of green today!
Leprechaun trap
We are ready for St. Patrick’s Day!
Leprechaun trap
PHS Craft Students just wrapped up their Dream Catcher projects! Most are carefully designed and uniquely woven. Creativity is cool. #Panthers🐾 #Artwork🎨🖌
almost 3 years ago, Megan Henkel
dream 4
dream 2
dream 3
dream 1
Happy St. Patrick’s Day from Mrs. Crawford’s class! These little scientists recorded their observations when making magical leprechaun pudding. Gold nuggets appeared after we mixed it! ☘️🌈
almost 3 years ago, Mrs. Crawford