Picture Day for Lincoln School is scheduled for Tuesday, October 5, 2021 and the Order Code is 59172DF.

What’s a Homecoming game without a little spirit from the mascot? Look out, Panther Nation, our Panther is on the Prowl!

Parents/Guardians/Community Members please feel free to come to the 2021 PHS Homecoming Coronation on Saturday night. We will start promptly at 7pm, please head to the football bleachers.

This week during Class Meetings, September Students of the Month were recognized. These students were nominated by their teachers for excellence in the classroom socially and academically.
6th Grade-Leighton Henderson and Luke Fitzpatrick
7th Grade-Cartyr Seaton and Naomi Cvengros
8th Grade-Brianna Mathis and Parker Moore

Alyssa Linn, Brayden Chrispen, Cooper Fleet, Joshia Easley, and Waylan Pauley all signed the Wall of Fame this week for Positive Office Referrals! Great job!

Dress like your hallway movie!

Pana Community: Stuco needs your help! If anyone has and is willing to let us borrow some outdoor heaters for the dance Saturday we would appreciate it! Contact Mrs. Maxwell: 217-562-6600 ext 6 or pmaxwell@panaschools.com

Book Fair at Lincoln Elementary!!!!!!

The Juniors were showing their school spirit today in Anatomy & Physiology!

Mrs. Schmitz’s class is learning the “Friends of Ten” by playing the game Dinosaurs in the Cave.

Quite the Surf & Turf War at PHS today!

Pirates in the sophomore hallway

Attention Class of 2022 Parents & Guardians: Tower Hill Christian Church will be sponsoring a blood drive on Monday, September 27th. Anyone who donates at this location and mentions they are donating on behalf of a PHS student will have those units count toward the Red Cross annual scholarship opportunity.

“She Doesn’t Even Go Here!”

Congratulations to the PJHS boys baseball team! They beat Taylorville 7-1 to secure the Regional Championship!!

Mr. Lipe's Drivers education kids representing their favorite class on homecoming week!

2021 Homecoming Court

Pana Marching Panthers alumni night is this Friday!
If you're interested in playing with the band again, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/tq2pbcWhmj6rFnEC9

PHS don’t forget it’s homecoming week! Monday’s dress up theme is Meme Day!

Lincoln Elementary Picture Day is coming up on 10/05/2021! Order online at inter-state.com/FlyerEntry/59172DF