Congratulations to this week's Positive Office Referrals! Tessa Clements, Griffin Hawker, Andrew Clardy, Harley Nichols-Medvik, Kendall Beck, and Lowell Witt signed the Wall of Fame this week!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Mayhall
Wall of Fame
The welding classes are learning to clean up some of their welds.
over 3 years ago, Emily Perry
Clean up time
Coming Soon to PJHS and Pana High School: Miles of Smiles will be at PJHS on Thursday, September 30th, and at PHS on Thursday, October 14th. Permission slips were sent home with students. There are extra forms in the school's office if needed. Please return completed forms ASAP.
over 3 years ago, Amanda Skinner
Miles of Smiles
Mark your calendars!! The elementary book fair is back IN-PERSON!!!
over 3 years ago, Washington/Lincoln PTO
Just a reminder........... Today is a Noon dismissal for Pana Unit #8 Schools. Teachers will be participating in Professional Development for the afternoon....... Have a GREAT AFTERNOON EVERYONE!!
over 3 years ago, Cheri Wysong
PHS Art Club meets after school on Tuesdays & Thursdays. We also will create art projects from time to time. This week: the club chose Dream Catchers! Keep up the hardwork!
over 3 years ago, Megan Henkel
dream catch
PHS Art Club meets after school on Tuesdays & Thursdays. We also will create art projects from time to time. This week: the club chose Dream Catchers! Keep up the hardwork!
over 3 years ago, Megan Henkel
dream catch
Just a reminder that the district has a 3 hour early dismissal on Wednesday 9/15/21 and there will be no lunch served. Lincoln School will begin loading buses around noon.
over 3 years ago, Lincoln Elementary (Mrs. Millburg)
Miles of Smiles is a free dental service offered to any 6/7/8 grade student. Even if you have dental insurance, your student is welcome to take advantage of this program at no cost. Forms have been sent home and need to be returned by 9/17. They will be here on 9/30.
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Mayhall
Calling all band alumni! Join the Marching Panthers once again to celebrate our 2021 Homecoming game! Please fill out this form if interested:
over 3 years ago, Lydia Armour
Alumni Night Band
Congratulations to our September Athletes of the Month! Senior - Austin Karbach Junior - Ace Armstrong Sophomore - Ryan Karbach Freshman - Max Pauley
over 3 years ago, Kevin McDonald
5th Grade Social Studies created this awesome 9/11 puzzle by each taking a page to color and then putting the pieces together to create this poster in memory of this day.
over 3 years ago, Lincoln Elementary (Mrs. Millburg)
Washington Elementary Art students are making great self portraits!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Holman - Art
Washington Art
Washington Art work
Washington Art work
Washington Art work
The PJHS Panther Den led a 9/11 memorial this morning for students. They provided important facts about the day and had a moment of silence.
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Mayhall
Panther Den
Congratulations to Carter George and Chase Thevenot! They signed our Wall of Fame this week for receiving a Positive Office Referral!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Mayhall
wall of fame
Oops!! Washington and Lincoln Learners...Did you forget to turn in your fundraiser orders and money today? No worries! We will continue to accept them until Friday, September 10. Thank you to everyone who helped support our schools!
over 3 years ago, Washington/Lincoln PTO
Parents and guardians: Pana CUSD #8 will no longer be providing Drive Thru COVID19 testing. We will still be providing testing to students and staff that are symptomatic at school. Pana Hospital drive thru clinic and Walgreens offer testing. Hospital Drive Thru clinic hours are M-W-F 8am to 10am, T-Th 8am to 10am and 3pm to 4pm.
over 3 years ago, Bridgett Heinrich
Yesterday, Ms. Brandis and Mr. Dugan’s PE classes climbed flights of stairs for a 9/11 workout. The groups tried climbing 110 flights just like the first responders did on this day.
over 3 years ago, Brooke Brandis
September is National Suicide Prevention and Awareness month. Sadly, suicide has become the second leading cause of death for teenagers. PHS counselors will be going into classrooms over the next few weeks to discuss awareness and prevention with students.
over 3 years ago, Kevin McDonald
Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Senior students and parents wanting more information on the FAFSA are welcome to attend Financial Aid Night hosted by Lake Land at PHS Monday, September 20th.
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Maxwell
Financial Aid Night