The football team shop is open until next Tuesday 24th. It is open to the public and orders will not be taken after the 24th.
over 3 years ago, Adam Metzger
football team store 1
football store 2
Spectators attending tonight's Orange and Blue Volleyball match are required to wear masks to gain entry and must continue to properly wear masks while in the building. Anyone who fails to comply will be asked to vacate the premises.
over 3 years ago, Kevin McDonald
Please see the following notice from the Pana CUSD #8 Board of Education on the upcoming Budget Hearing, September 20, 2021 at 6:15pm in the High School Library.
over 3 years ago, Bridgett Heinrich
Public Hearing
Dear Parents and Guardians, An error in this year's new "Returning Student COVID Testing Waiver" was discovered. Parents who choose "I ​​ Do Not​ consent to rapid COVID testing" should log back into the parent portal, go to your registration documents, and double check their choice is shown correctly. If it is marked "I consent to rapid testing", you may resubmit the form with your preferred "no" response. Should you have further questions, please contact your school directly - Washington 217-562-7500 - Lincoln 217-562-8500 - Jr High 217-562-6500 - High School 217-562-6600.
over 3 years ago, Bridgett Heinrich
Registration Information
Just a reminder that we have resumed the regular schedule for the 21-22 school year. Lincoln Elementary will dismiss as follows: Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri Cross Town Bus 3:00 p.m. All other Buses: 3:05 p.m. Walkers/Cars 3:15 p.m. Wednesdays Cross Town Bus 2:00 p.m. All other Buses: 2:05 p.m. Walkers/Cars 2:15 p.m.
over 3 years ago, Lincoln Elementary (Mrs. Millburg)
Tips for Success PHS Freshman Edition We have just a few days until the start of the school year, so I thought I would release 5 last minute tips on high school success for the Class of 2025. Look for a new tip each day. Tip #5 - Start the academic year strong. Do not fall into the trap of getting behind and then having to catch up. Get all your work turned in on time. If you are absent, get your make-up work done ASAP. Also, do not wait until you are failing to go to tutoring. Be proactive with your grades and check Lumen often. Getting caught up in high school is much harder than getting caught up in junior high.
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Sowarsh
Tips for Success PHS Freshman Edition We have just a few days until the start of the school year, so I thought I would release 5 last minute tips on high school success for the Class of 2025. Look for a new tip each day. Tip #4 - Don’t be afraid to ask for help. There are many teachers and staff members who are there to help. I am not just talking about academic concerns but also medical, social and emotional concerns. If you need help - ASK. If you are not sure who to go to for help, then just ask me. I may not be able to solve your problem, but I can get you in contact with someone who might.
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Sowarsh
Tips for Success PHS Freshman Edition We have 5 days until the start of the school year, so I thought I might release 5 last minute tips on high school success for the Class of 2025. Look for a new tip each day. Tip #3 - Get involved in a club or organization and meet new people. High school is a great place to meet new people. In elementary school, students tend to be friends with only the other students in their class, but high school is different. It is important to look for opportunities to be involved in your high school or community. In fact, there has been research that suggests that involvement in school or community organizations increases your likelihood of having a positive high school experience.
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Sowarsh
We are excited to welcome back PJHS students Tuesday, August 17th! Students will receive their schedules that morning upon arrival. Have a fabulous weekend!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Mayhall
Welcome Back
Attention 6th Graders! You didn't get a chance to meet your teachers, practice your locks, and tour the school last night. But don't worry, your teachers will be there for you Tuesday and guide you through your first day at Pana Junior High School.
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Mayhall
PJHS 6th Graders
The PHS golf team came out this morning to help clean up the country club after yesterday’s storm.
over 3 years ago, Heath Strom
golf team
Tips for Success PHS Freshman Edition We have 5 days until the start of the school year, so I thought I might release 5 last minute tips on high school success for the Class of 2025. Look for a new tip each day. Tip #2 - Check your student email at least once per day. It is an important communication tool. Please remember that if you email a teacher or staff member, it may take them a bit to get back to you. A good rule of thumb is to allow 24 hours for a response. If you need a response sooner than 24 hours, please try and talk to them in person.
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Sowarsh
Attention Parents/Guardians: Chromebook Orientation and 6th Grade Orientation has been cancelled tonight due to inclement weather. A virtual presentation will be pushed out tomorrow. We apologize for the inconvenience.
over 3 years ago, Amanda Skinner
Back To School Night 8/16/21 5:30-6:30 We can't wait to welcome back our new students and meet our new kiddos!!!
over 3 years ago, Lincoln Elementary (Mrs. Millburg)
back to school night 2021
If you have fees to pay for Washington and/or PJHS students, stop by today until 3:30pm.
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Mayhall
Registration Fees
Tips for Success PHS Freshman Edition We have 5 days until the start of the school year, so I thought I might release 5 last minute tips on high school success for the Class of 2025. Look for a new tip each day. Tip #1 - Know how you learn best. Think about how you have been successful in the past with tests and assignments and stick to what you know works. School supply lists are not generated for high school. What I always tell students is to get what supplies they know they need to learn best. Have trouble remembering assignments? Then get yourself a planner. Need binders to stay organized? Then get a binder for every class. On the first day of school, each teacher will tell students if there are any additional specific supplies required.
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Sowarsh
We are looking forward to seeing each of you and meeting your children!! Please stop by and get your picture taken with your teacher and introduce yourself. The Kindergarten teachers will be in the grass on the north side of the school, Grade 1 teachers will be on the concrete in front of the school. Grade 2 teachers will be on the concrete area just south of the building. Teachers will have grade level informational packets, and the breakfast/lunch menu for you. Your child should not bring their supplies with them until the first day of school. Looking forward to seeing you all again next Monday!!
over 3 years ago, Cheri Wysong
Meet the Teacher night!
Attention NEW students grades 6 - 12 AND all incoming 6 grade students:
over 3 years ago, Amanda Skinner
Aug 12 Meeting
We can't wait to welcome back our students for the 2021-2022 school year.
over 3 years ago, Lincoln Elementary (Mrs. Millburg)
back to school night 2021
​Attached is the final board approved Back to School plan that was approved by the Board of Education at the Special Board meeting that was held August 9, 2021. Be on the lookout for individual building plans containing more information that will be released by the end of the week and posted on our website. Back to School Plan Final 8/9/2021
over 3 years ago, Bridgett Heinrich
Back to School