Just a reminder to register your students using the online format. If you have questions or need assistance we are ready to help. Just give your child's school a call and we will be able to walk you through what to do. If you receive a voicemail message, just leave a message with a call back number. When we are assisting others, you will not get a busy signal. It will automatically direct you to this option. We will return your calls as soon as possible.
over 3 years ago, Lincoln Elementary (Mrs. Millburg)
Attention PHS students:  Any student needing a schedule change should notify Mrs. Maxwell or Mrs. Sowarsh by Friday, August 6. pmaxwell@panaschools.com bsowarsh@panaschools.com
over 3 years ago, Heath Strom
High School Boys & Girls interested in joining the PHS GOLF team should report to practice on Monday, Aug 9th @ Oak Terrace at 8:00am. We have extra clubs if you need them! Contact Coach Metzger (ametzger@panaschools.com) with any questions.
over 3 years ago, Adam Metzger
Attention Freshmen…….tomorrow is your big day. Don’t miss out. Reminder…….this event is for students only.
over 3 years ago, Heath Strom
orientation announcement
I.D.E.A.S. Committee Meeting August 3, 2021 at 5:30 p.m.
over 3 years ago, Bridgett Heinrich
Facilities Committee Meeting August 3, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.
over 3 years ago, Bridgett Heinrich
Attention Seniors, Juniors, and driving Sophomores…… The parking spot form is live on the school website. Fill out this form and once your registration fees have been paid, you will be issued a spot. Look for a school email from Mr. Strom to inform you what spot you were assigned.
over 3 years ago, Heath Strom
parking spot info
Registration is fast approaching for the 21-22 school year. Registration will open, online, July 29, 2021. Here is a quick link to the Lumen​ website.​ Please call your school you have a new student, if you have difficulty logging in or have any questions. Washington Elementary K-2 Grades 217-562-7500 Lincoln Elementary 3-5 Grades 217-562-8500 Pana Jr High School 6-8 Grades 217-562-6500 Pana High School 9-12 Grades 217-562-6600 **Pre-K registration questions can call 217-824-5050**​
over 3 years ago, Bridgett Heinrich
Student Registration
Attention PHS Freshmen
over 3 years ago, Heath Strom
Attention PHS Freshmen
Lincoln Elementary School Supply Lists
over 3 years ago, Lincoln Elementary (Mrs. Millburg)
Attention all upcoming 6th-12th grade boys and girls: A FREE golf camp is next week @ Oak Terrace! When: Monday, July 19- Thursday, July 22nd Times: Boys:8-9:15am & Girls:915-1030am Bring clubs if you have them & invite friends. No prior golf experience is needed.
over 3 years ago, Adam Metzger
Congratulations to PHS sophomore John Berns on composing, recording, and mixing his fantastic setting of the Latin text "Dies Irae" for choir. "Dies Irae" translates to "Day of Wrath". The PHS Music Department is very proud of John's musical accomplishment! ENJOY! https://youtu.be/WNcAwZqjEt8
over 3 years ago, Heath Strom
Attention junior high girls softball: There will be an informational meeting for incoming 6th-8th grade girls interested in playing softball this year. Parents are also invited to this meeting. The meeting will be on Tuesday, July 13th at Tanner park pavilion. Meeting time will be 6:30.
over 3 years ago, Heath Strom
Anyone interested in joining the cross country team or trying the sport out. A camp will be held July 26th-July 30th. 8AM-9:30AM all that is needed is running shoes, water, and appropriate running clothes. Meet at the circle drive in front of the high school.
over 3 years ago, Heath Strom
There will be an athletic sports meeting for any high school student planning on playing a fall sport this upcoming year at PHS. The player and guardian must attend one of the following sports meetings. July 22nd @ 4pm in the high school small gym, August 1st or August 8th @ 4pm in the high school commons.  Sports forms will be handed out at the meeting to be filled out and signed by players/guardians. If you have any questions, please contact the athletic director at ahaston@panaschools.com
over 3 years ago, Heath Strom
It's not too late for incoming 1st - 6th grade girls to sign up for the Lady Panthers 2021 Basketball Camp. This will take place at the PJHS Gym on July 5th, 6th, 7th, & 9th. Cost is $10 for each session. See attached form for times and details. The attached form must be brought to the first day of camp.
over 3 years ago, Amanda Skinner
Don't forget!!! Any incoming 1st through 6th grade girls are welcome to attend the 2021 Lady Panthers' Basketball Camp(s) which will take place at the PJHS Gym on July 5th, 6th, 7th, & 9th. Cost is $10 for each session. See attached form for times and details. The attached form must be completed and mailed to PHS or brought to the first day of camp.
over 3 years ago, Amanda Skinner
Any incoming 1st through 6th grade girls are welcome to attend the 2021 Lady Panthers' Basketball Camp(s) which will take place at the PJHS Gym on July 5th, 6th, 7th, & 9th. Cost is $10 for each session. See attached form for times and details. The attached form must be completed and mailed to PHS or brought to the first day of camp.
almost 4 years ago, Amanda Skinner
Beating the heat at Washington Summer School!
almost 4 years ago, Hahnenkamp-K-5 Tech Integration
Any incoming 1st through 6th grade girls are welcome to attend the 2021 Lady Panthers' Basketball Camp(s) which will take place at the PJHS Gym on July 5th, 6th, 7th, & 9th. Cost is $10 for each session. See attached form for times and details. The attached form must be completed and mailed to PHS or brought to the first day of camp.
almost 4 years ago, Amanda Skinner