Mrs. Schmitz’s class enjoyed Read Outside Day today!

LIVE Stream is available today at the following link to view the Lake Shelbyville Bass Fishing Sectional live weigh-ins:

Happy Nurse's Day to Sandy Pauley. We owe you a huge thank you for EVERYTHING that you have done this year to keep our students and staff happy and healthy. You have gone above and beyond in taking care of everyone.

Getting closer to the PJHS and PHS Spring Music Concerts! Friday May 7 in the HS Gym. Junior High starts at 6:30PM; High School at 7:30PM. This is a ticketed event for families and friends - kids have already received their tickets. Masks and social distancing required. If you are unable to join us in person, please join us at this link to our livestream! It's going to be a fantastic wrap-up to a wonderful, musical year!

Elementary Art students studied American Artist Alma Thomas. They then made paintings inspired by her art.

Mrs. Schmitz’s class visited Mrs. Morrell’s room today to check out their awesome rainforest display. We had fun finding different plants and animals from the scavenger hunt list.

Mrs. Schmitz’s class had fun reviewing number patterns by playing “Math the Room”.

Mrs. LaMarche's first graders loved wearing their favorite hats today at school!

Thr Junior High Choir had their own Breakfast Club today during Decades Day!

Congrats to March and April PJHS Students of the Month. Thank you for your exceptional effort!

PJHS Decade Day: representing the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s...and even the 1130s!

PJHS will be hosting a Curriculum Fair on Thursday, May 13th. We are excited to provide this event to students and their families (limit 2 guests per student). Please see your designated times and protocols below.

What's the best way to express your knowledge of your future career?? With sidewalk chalk, of course!!

PHS Art Club had their annual Pizza party send off to the Senior members. Congrats! #Celebrate #Graduationiscoming
#ArtClub🎨 #Pizza🍕 #Panapanthers🐾

Tonight's baseball game has been cancelled. Practice will take place in the small gym from 3:30 - 5:00 pm.
Tonight's track met has been cancelled. Practice will take place in the big gym from 3:30 - 5:00 pm.

We are hiring! Check out the newest postings!!!!
Mechanic https://5il.co/s8ts
AES Parapro https://5il.co/s8tr
Library Aid (HS) https://5il.co/s8tq
Special Ed Parapro (HS) https://5il.co/s8tp
Subs - All Positions https://5il.co/b7wc
Check them out! Apply Today!!!!!

PJHS kicked off Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week with a swap day. Can you spot the staff member or the student?

8th grade Social Studies WWII projects.

Sign up for 6th grade Beginning Band here:
Be a Part of the Pride!

Kicking off Teacher Appreciation Week with a fabulous lunch, compliments of our fabulous PTO!