Friday, Mr. Lipe's drivers education kids enjoyed a day on the driving simulator as a reward for ALL passing their state test to allow them to get their permits.
about 4 years ago, Mr. Lipe
Mr. Wood just recieved his digital pin for donating 5 gallons of blood. I completed this at the HS blood drive last week.
about 4 years ago, Pana Ag Dept
digital pin recieved
If you are a 5th grader going into 6th grade next year and interested in joining band, please click on this link: to complete a form of interest for Ms. Armour! Stay tuned for more information about joining band! (:
about 4 years ago, Lydia Armour
Class of 2021- A snow day is a perfect day to do some online shopping for your graduation gear :) The deadline to order materials without additional cost is March 1st!
about 4 years ago, Mrs. Adam
2021 grad gear
Attention Parents & Students: Pana CUSD 8 schools are cancelled tomorrow, Tuesday, Feb. 16th, due to inclement weather. All after-school activities, practices, and games are also cancelled. Stay safe and warm!
about 4 years ago, Jason Bauer
All district activities including games, practices, and open gyms are canceled for today, February 15th, due to inclement weather. Stay safe!
about 4 years ago, Juletta Ellis
Mrs. Lehn's class had a fun-filled day celebrating Valentine's Day! Here, the students are showing off their "Cupid's bow and arrow" STEM project made from a given list of materials. We then tested them out to see how far their cotton-tipped arrows would travel.
about 4 years ago, Mrs. Lehn
Mrs. Schmitz’s class celebrated Valentine’s Day by completing a Candyland Escape Room. Their goal was to save the princess from the Candy King. They had all sorts of reading and math challenges to complete and earned prizes as they worked.
about 4 years ago, Mrs. Schmitz
February 12, 2021, Pana CUSD #8 Superintendent Jason Bauer wishes to share the following information: Superintendent Letter #1
about 4 years ago, Bridgett Heinrich
Letter from the Superintendent
Parents and guardians: Please see the links below for COVID testing information and the waiver. If you have any questions or concerns please call Paul Donahue 217-562-1500 or Sandy Pauley 217-562-6600 Testing Letter Testing Waiver
about 4 years ago, Bridgett Heinrich
ZooBot is back at it! Echinoderm anatomy is our focus today...
about 4 years ago, Matt Sanders
ZooBot student dissecting a representative Echinoderm.
Washington Students painted hearts inspired by American Artist Jim Dine in art class this week.
about 4 years ago, Mrs. Holman - Art
Painting inspired by American Artist Jim Dine
Painting inspired by American Artist Jim Dine
Art painting inspired by American Artist Jim Dine
Painting inspired by American Artist Jim Dine
This week PHS features Mr. Tim Eddy!
about 4 years ago, Mrs. Adam
The PJHS 7th/8th grade choir turned Recital Day into "The Voice", turning around at first, then turning back to the soloist to show their appreciation! So fun to see kids connecting through music !!
about 4 years ago, Pana Panther Choirs
jh choir
PHS held it's first in person blood drive of the year for students and staff this week. We had 75 attempted donations and 60 successful donations. Each donation contributes to our scholarship total from the American Red Cross. Thanks to all the students and staff who donated and to the students who kept things running smoothly!
about 4 years ago, Mrs. Adam
Addie & Katelyn
Comp 2 “Lucy” pictures (based on imagery found in “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds”)
about 4 years ago, English Department
Lucy pics
Lucy pics
Who’s the rockstar behind the broadcast? Pana High School’s very own, Kaylee Zahradka, gracefully executes her cameraman and scoreboard abilities in the matchup last night with Vandalia. Check out the game replay on our YouTube channel and stay tuned for many more!
about 4 years ago, Amanda Skinner
We’ve had fun reviewing tens and ones this week before our test in Mrs. Crawford’s class! 😃
about 4 years ago, Mrs. Crawford
February 9th was National Pizza Day and PJHS celebrated students who choose to work hard and do the right thing daily by giving them a slice! 🍕 Nice work!
about 4 years ago, Juletta Ellis
Check out Mr. Bonney’s students creating dioramas for their book study!! Can you guess the book?
about 4 years ago, Mrs. King
Look at these hard working students!