Mrs King has some future engineers! Today they began learning about bridges & built one using the new KEVA Planks that Ms Hahnenkamp purchased. Thanks to the PEF&Trenches grant $’s. #STEM

Pana FFA members, Lauren, Hayleigh, and Jacob participated in the Section Public Speaking Contest. Lauren placed third in prepared and Hayleigh placed first in Extemporaneous. We are super proud of these members for conquering the most common fear!

The FFA provided breakfast to the teachers this morning. Thank you PHS Staff for supporting us in what we do!

PHS Drama Club members rehearse their scenes from "10 Ways To Survive Life in a Quarantine" by Ron Zolidis! Stay tuned in April for how to stream this HILARIOUS production!

Just a few of our blue and gold bright futures participants. Got to wear those shades when your future is so bright!

We have fun coding in Mrs. Schmitz’s class!

Please read the latest update to the Transition (Back to School) Plan, update to meal deliveries, and a letter from the Superintendent. Changes are highlighted in yellow for your convenience.
Superintendent Schedule Letter https://5il.co/puwp
Transition (Back to School) Plan https://5il.co/puwr
School Meals https://5il.co/puwq

Did you know that music helps us remember things better because of a process called “chunking?” Music allows us to chunk lyrics together, while melody and rhythm act as a great framework. Sociology students created their own raps as a way to easier recall key Sociologist! 🎶🧠

PJHS students enjoyed the sunshine and warmer temps by getting outside for P.E. today!

PHS Introduction to Art students 3rd Hour are working on Stop Motion videos using google slides. Ask your kiddo what their story is about. Some students have creative short stories. Keep up the good work! #Artwork🎨 #Stopmotion #ShortVideos

FFA Officers Ellie and Serenity gave a radio interview this morning for FFA Week! They did an amazing job.

Just a few of our Camo Day participants!

Check out the LIVE stream channel for Pana Volleyball action vs Central A&M

AG in Mrs. King's classroom.. Popcorn art

Thank you to our bus drivers and bus aides who help to ensure our students get to school safely each day! You are an integral part of our staff and we appreciate you! Happy Bus Driver Appreciation Day!

Calling all Lincoln Elementary School Parents. We are currently at 5% participation and we need your help. If you could take a few minutes to complete the following survey it would really help us out : http://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/survey/parent/

Monday kicks off FFA Week! Don’t forget to wear your best CAMO!

February 17th was Random Acts of Kindness Day. Mrs. Crawford’s class wrote down an act of kindness they showed on the back of their coloring pages and shared with the class! Some helped carry groceries, or gave a compliment to a friend. Tons of kindness in these little hearts!❤️

This week PHS features Mrs. Kim Sipes!

Sports picture time is upon us and will happen this Friday with the following sports teams:
Girls Basketball 2:30-3:00
Girls Bowling 3:00-3:30
Boys Basketball 3:30-4:00
Online order forms are here:
https://inter-state.com/FlyerEntry and enter the code: 57517W