Today was "Crazy Hair" for Red Ribbon Week because "Doing Drugs Is Crazy". Lincoln Learners sent in pictures during remote learning today as a fun way to engage and play along. Click the link below.... https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vTiI3s-wALQGbFltLckmhcX2vcsHNBRVj3joI79P6vsfA6ZWVnt3F4csPjvuUPYouL8T4jpYT31ukZN/pub?start=true&loop=true&delayms=3000

Lincoln Learners will be celebrating Red Ribbon Week 10/26-10/30. Thursday is Pajama Day as we remember to \Ffollow Our Dreams".

PJHS Fundraising forms are due Friday October 30th. Students who sell 2 items will get to be part of a Digital Lunch. Top sellers will get an invitation to a pizza party.

Check out these smarties using Smarties to subtract! Using candy always makes math more fun according to Mrs. Crawford’s first graders😁.

The PHS General Music Class composed their own songs for the handchimes! They are enjoying learning more about the elements of music!

October 27, 2020, Pana CUSD #8 Superintendent Jason Bauer wishes to share the following information:

Lincoln Learners will be celebrating Red Ribbon Week 10/26-10/30. Remote Wednesday is Crazy Hair Day because "Doing Drugs is Crazy! Send pictures to kmillburg@panaschools.com and I will make sure to put them out on social media and our hallway tv slide show!

Last week to get your order in for cookie dough and Fannie May chocolates! Contact Mrs. Maxwell at the HS or any student council member to order!

Check out our Room on the Broom STEM.

So proud of this fabulous reader for already reaching 100 points in AR. Way to read!!

Lincoln Learners will be celebrating Red Ribbon Week 10/26-10/30. Tuesday is "Taco 'bout being drug free" and we will celebrate at lunch with Taco Tuesday!

Class of 2020---Don't forget to stop by sometime this week to pick up your items!

Mrs. Chase's and Ms. Henkle's 6th Grade advisory students enjoyed reinforcing the concept of Integrity through preparing and performing skits in the auditorium!

Lincoln Learners will be celebrating Red Ribbon Week 10/26-10/30. Remember to wear red on Monday!

Making it through the 1st quarter of school is absolutely something to celebrate! PJHS celebrated with a schoolwide rock, paper, scissors competition, Red Carpet Awards, and s'mores treats! Congrats to the PJHS Supreme Champion of RPS, Tyler Rench!

PJHS Red Carpet Awards for 1st Quarter-Most Likely Tos and Honor Roll recipients

Report cards for Lincoln Learners are coming home today so be on the look out! The remote learners' report cards will have a “P” (for pass) in the area of Art, Music or PE. If any of these 3 areas where left blank, it is because your student did not engage in the on-line assignments that were provided for them. In-person report cards will look as they always have.

PJHS--REMINDER! Picture Day is Monday, October 26th. If you are a remote learner, please call the office (562-6500) to set your appointment from 10-10:30. Thank you!

This week PHS features Mrs. Carena Watson!

The PJHS Fundraiser is happening NOW! Students are selling Cinnamon Rolls, Dinner Rolls, and Pumpkin Butter from The Homestead Bakery in Arthur, IL. Students will be selling these items through Oct. 30th. They will be delivered Nov. 19th.