PJHS joined in the Spirit Week fun with Hat Day!

Tuesday fun with crazy masks and hats!

Lincoln School Picture Day is 10/06/2020, mark your calendar! Ordering online is easy, visit inter-state.com/FlyerEntry/53338ZF

Parents and Guardians of REMOTE LEARNERS....the District would greatly appreciate your feedback. Please take just a moment to answer this short survey.
This form is meant for students who are remote learners only.

It was a comfy and cozy day at PHS!

Verb charades was a blast in Mrs. Crawford’s class! These first graders did an amazing job of acting out verbs!

Washington School Picture Time!!!
ATTENTION REMOTE LEARNERS: If you would like your student to participate in picture day we will be taking appointments for October 6 starting at 2:30. ... feel free to wait until Nov 17 (picture re-take day) if you are returning to in-person learning. Please Dojo Mrs. Wysong to reserve a place in line to have your child’s picture taken. You will enter and exit the building from the buzzer door like always! Participants can remain in the parking area, practicing social distancing, until it is your child's time to enter the building. Only the child will enter the building and will be wearing a mask until they are ready to take the picture. Their temperature will also be taken upon entry. Students are allowed to remove their masks during the photo shoot. Hope to see you on picture day!
Ordering online is easy..... inter-state.com/order code: 53333BA

Mrs. Crawford’s 1st graders learned about 3 rules to stay safe online with Ms. Hahnenkamp today. Then they explored a website that was just right for them.

Pana High School! Picture Day is just one week away!

The horticulture class has some of their first babies sprouting this week.

Mrs. Chernisky’s 5th graders were all excited to begin coding with Ms. Hahnenkamp this morning. They are off to a great start on their journey!

Lincoln School Picture Day is 10/06/2020, mark your calendar! Ordering online is easy, visit inter-state.com/FlyerEntry/53338ZF

Congrats to the PJHS Wall of Famers this week: Evan Ohl, Austin Gordon, Lillyanna Rochkes, Kyle Whennen, Seth Horton, Joseph Pierce, and Parker Richards. They demonstrated high achievement in class and positive attitudes! Way to go!

Mrs. Crawford’s first grade wrapped up our apple study with a surprise treat! We made a paper caramel apple craft and then we got the real thing! 🍎🍏😁

Mrs. Schmitz’s class loves to dance while counting to 100!

Senior parents/guardians follow the link for a virtual presentation. Seniors recently heard this information, but some topics are discussed in depth. Contact Mrs. Maxwell for questions or additional information. https://sites.google.com/a/panaschools.com/phs-counselor/news

The 6th grade, 6th hour, language arts class got to participate in a Live Q&A session with author Kwame Mballa during the Library of Congress National Book Festival. He responded to TWO of our questions!

Dress to impress, it’s Spirit Week at PHS!

T-shirt sales for Lincoln Elementary starts today and runs for one week. No money will be exchanged at school. All orders are placed by phone or online only.

This week PHS features Mrs. Hillary Whalen!