Attention Panther Nation!! Looking for some new Panther gear? Our new Virtual Shop is up and running through October 8th. We have items available for the whole family! Orders can be placed online at: https://www.bsnteamsports.com/shop/VAorD77XeP

PJHS 9th Hour Students ventured outside to do sidewalk chalk artwork!

ATTENTION REMOTE LEARNERS: If you would like your student to participate in picture day we will be taking appointments for October 6 starting from 2:20. Please call the office to reserve a place in line to have your child’s picture taken. You will enter and exit the building from the back NE door (closest to the playground). Participants can remain in the back area, practicing social distancing, until it is your students time to enter the building. Only the student will enter the building wearing a mask. Temperature will be taken upon entry as well. Students are allowed to remove their masks during the photo shoot. Hope to see you on picture day! Call Robyn for your appointment today!

September 23, 2020, Pana CUSD #8 Superintendent Jason Bauer wishes to share the following information:

5th graders in Mrs. Maxedon’s class began their coding journey yesterday with Ms. Hahnenkamp. They were ready to work!

Mrs. Epley’s 3rd graders were eager to begin coding with Ms. Hahnenkamp. They did a great job!

Mrs. Schmitz’s 1st graders did a super job working on their click and drag lesson with Ms. Hahnenkamp.

Wow Mrs. Reynolds’s KDG students amazed Ms. Hahnenkamp today. They were working on using a mouse to click and drag items to the correct jar. They were sorting letters, numbers, shapes, & colors. They are quick learners.

Students in Mrs. Brinkoetter’s 5th grade class started their coding journey today with Ms. Hahnenkamp. They were all focused and working hard.

Get ready for School Pictures!

Fore!!!!!!!! Starting up a new life long sport. Golf was introduced today. Maybe the next Tiger Woods is here???? Fun times.

Mrs. Schmitz’s class had fun building their spelling words on their letter boards.

6th grade language arts students tested out a new learning tool called Kami. Students used the tool to highlight the different parts of a paragraph!

Parents and Guardians of Lincoln Learners:
Picture Day is coming up soon and online ordering is available through the following link:

The horticulture class went to the green house today to start seeds. The plants will then be used for experiments on water and light.

Ms. Hahnenkamp had Mrs. Cross’ 4th graders thinking on Friday. They were reading programs to stack cups. Then they had to write a program to match a picture. Ms. Hahnenkamp loved that they wrote the program differently than she did.

Mrs. Reynold’s KDG students were having a good time learning how to code with Ms. Hahnenkamp. They were so excited each time they passed a level.

Mrs. Smith’s class had a great time learning how to code. Ms. Hahnenkamp was so proud of them.

PJHS Wall of Famers demonstrated hard work, kindness, and just doing the right thing this week! Congrats Jadyn Wills, Maggie Ishmael, Aaliyah Henschen, Gabby Heinrich, Parker Moore, and Joseph Pierce!

This was the most competitive Kahoot game in history! At one point, the boys were actually tied. Way to know your facts!!