Day 2 of Panther Classic is in the books. The wind was really tough today and made the course long. Congrats to the winner Bo Christer and runner up Conner Stalets. A great time was had by all.
over 4 years ago, Brent McKinney
2nd place
2nd hour
Mrs. Chase's HS General Music Class experienced the rhythms of Africa with a drum circle and the harmony of Latin America with handchime harmony experimentation!
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Chase
African Drum Circle
African Drum Circle
Handchime Harmony
Handchime Harmony
Mrs. Crawford’s class had to take advantage of the nice weather today and read outside! 😃🍂🍁
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Crawford
This week PHS features Mr. Matt Sanders!
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Adam
Today the Panther Open started in PE. The course is set up to be quite challenging. Par is set at 26. We are expecting a exciting finish tomorrow. We have quite the leaderboard. Tune in tomorrow to see who is the 2020 champion.
over 4 years ago, Brent McKinney
The top 10.
Leader #2 at 26
Leader #1 at 26.
Ms. Hahnenkamp was thrilled with how easily Mrs. Lehn’s class took to coding this week. They did an amazing job! They are off to a terrific start.
over 4 years ago, Hahnenkamp-K-5 Tech Integration
What's the code? Well just ask Mrs. Reiss' students. They are applying skills that Ms. Hahnenkamp taught them in their unplugged lesson.
over 4 years ago, Hahnenkamp-K-5 Tech Integration
Ms. Headrick’s KDG class were awesome listeners today for Ms. Hahnenkamp. They joined their google classroom & began coding. Lots of cheers & smiles on all of our faces! We had so much fun that we weren’t ready to stop.
over 4 years ago, Hahnenkamp-K-5 Tech Integration
Mrs. LaMarche’s 1st graders began coding today with Ms. Hahnenkamp. They did an amazing job for their first time. They just may have a future job as a coder.
over 4 years ago, Hahnenkamp-K-5 Tech Integration
On Monday, Mr. Foster and Mr. Anderson, from the fire department, did a great job talking to the 5th graders about 9-11. Students got to touch and try to pick up the steal from one of the World Trade Centers.
over 4 years ago, Meleah Brinkoetter
Learning how to use linear regression to predict trends on Desmos today in Algebra 2 class
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Whalen
PHS 5th Hour Ceramic students are creating Claymation Stop Motion videos. They have to use clay along with the Google chromebook, and google slides. #creatingfilms #clay #artwork
over 4 years ago, Megan Henkel
The 2020 Census is underway! The census impacts funding decisions for things like health care, infrastructure, education, and more. Make sure to complete this to help make sure your community does not miss out on funding and representation for the next 10 years. Respond today at 2020CENSUS.GOV.
over 4 years ago, Amanda Skinner
Census 2020
Parents: Please follow Illini Grad Sales on social media for ordering your school's traditional achievement products for Class Rings, Letter Jackets and Graduation. You can also reach them to receive clarification or ask questions in regards to designing and purchasing. Herff Jones has guaranteed that class rings and Letterman jackets are delivered before Christmas, but all orders must meet pre-Christmas factory Deadlines. This year that cutoff date is OCTOBER 13th, 2020.
over 4 years ago, Amanda Skinner
Grad Sales
Anatomy & Physiology students reinforcing their knowledge of body regions and relative positional terms with their sticky note study tools.
over 4 years ago, Matt Sanders
Practice, practice, practice!
Boy Scout Info is coming home from Lincoln Elementary.
over 4 years ago, Lincoln Elementary (Mrs. Millburg)
Boy Scout info coming home from Lincoln Elementary.
Mrs. Rodman's class has been learning about Digital Citizenship and coding with Ms. Hahnenkamp.
over 4 years ago, Hahnenkamp-K-5 Tech Integration
Zoology & Botany discussing how comparative anatomy and DNA evidence help taxonomists classify the organisms of our world. Fresh air seems to help the discussion, too!
over 4 years ago, Matt Sanders
PHS Zoology & Botany Students
As a district, we continue to put forth the safest and most manageable learning environment for students and staff. As a result a minor change has occurred. Starting tomorrow, all Wednesdays during the remainder of the 1st quarter, will now be Remote Learning Days for all students. At Lincoln Elementary, packets will come home with your students on Tuesday evenings along with the days preparation to complete the assignments independently. However, beginning Wednesday, September 16th through Wednesday, October 14th teachers will be available for those mandated remote learners between 8:15 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. each Wednesday for questions and help on assignments. Additionally, teachers will continue to be available for those students already choosing the remote learning option from 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. each Wednesday. To see the full version of the updated back to school plan, go to the Pana Schools website. You will also find a form to request meals on Wednesdays as well. We thank you for your grace, flexibility and patience as we continue to maneuver through this unprecedented school year. We'll all get through this together, one day at a time.
over 4 years ago, Amanda Skinner
Lincoln School remembers 9-11.
over 4 years ago, Lincoln Elementary (Mrs. Millburg)