6th grade language arts students participated in a Google Meet with Ms. Skinner this week to learn how to create filters in Gmail and how to access their Lumen accounts.

PJHS Staff 2020-2021

Each week PHS will spotlight a different teacher's reason they love teaching. This week we feature Mrs. Priscilla Maxwell!

Bella Bennett was the first 6th grade student to sign the PJHS Wall of Fame. Congrats on a great start to the year!

Just a friendly reminder. There will be no school Friday, August 28, 2020. This will be a Remote Learning planning day. There will be no in school or remote instruction. Enjoy your weekend!

Algebra students are mastering their solving skills with digital question stacks today.

Congrats to the first two PJHS Wall of Famers for this school year, Hayley Hocq and Evan Nichols-Green! They have been reading like crazy! Nice work!

The Introduction to Ag classes went outside to present their leadership slides.

Mrs. Crawford’s first graders rocked number order! They ordered numbers 1-50!

Just a reminder that there has been a changed to the original schedule. Friday, August 28th has been changed to a remote-learning plan day for the teachers and there will be NO In-Person or Remote Learning on this day. BUT- packet pick up at Washington is 1:00-3:30! If you are a remote learner,this is the time to turn in your work that could not be done electronically and pick up those things for the next 2 weeks....... call or dojo me if you need assistance ~Mrs. Wysong

Mrs. Schmitz’s new students are happy to be back at school. They are having lots of fun!

It's FUNDRAISER time!! We know that this year is different, but we are still counting on all Washington and Lincoln students to help us raise much-needed funds for our elementary schools. As always, this will be our ONLY fundraiser for the year. Due to the times, we are offering two ways to offer support:
1. Mrs. Fields frozen catalog (collect orders AND money and turn both into the school)
-These items will be delivered to the school.
2. Ready Set Fund online sales and donations (NOTHING to collect/turn in)
-These items will be mailed directly to the customer. Here is the website:
Packets were sent home today with in-person learners, and remote learners will receive theirs at the next pickup date. Orders are due September 9. Please review the note and prize sheet included in the packet for other important information. THANK YOU!!

On Wednesdays PHS Art students sketch in their sketchbooks. Every Wednesday is a different prompt.
Kudos to those who do great work! 😊 #Wednesdays #Sketchbooks #Artwork #Artstudents🖌 #PanaPanthers🐾

Is this the new PJHS AP/District AD Mr. Haston, or is it Jake from State Farm? You decide.

1st Hour PHS Art Students are currently working on Positive and Negative Space drawings. Here are some finished artworks hanging in the hallway! Hopefully new artwork will be displayed soon this week. Stay tuned! #PHSArtwork #Art #Artwork #Creativity #Panapanthers

Finding creative ways to get physical activity in. Great job with frisbee golf!!!!!

Finding creative ways to get physical activity in. Great job with frisbee golf!!!!!

A big thanks to Celebration Community Church of Pana for their bag of goodies for teachers and staff at PHS. It was a wonderful surprise and greatly appreciated!!

Ms. Armour's high school band class has been taking advantage of the nice weather and playing outside. This week they are working on learning warm ups and new pep band music. The students love being back with their band family!

Just a reminder that there has been a changed to the original schedule. Friday, August 28th has been changed to a remote-learning plan day for the teachers and there will be NO In-Person or Remote Learning on this day.