Lincoln Elementary mailboxes runneth over with gratitude. A great big thank you to the Celebration Community Church for their thoughtfulness during this stressful time.

Mrs. King's students were engaged in a Would You Rather NearPod lesson and Quizziz while Ms. Hahnenkamp assisted some students with logins. They had great reasons why they chose their choices.

Each week PHS will spotlight a different teacher's reason they love teaching. This week we feature Mrs. Angela Chase!

We had a great first day of school this week! Mrs. Crawford loved meeting her amazing first graders! 🥰

We are so sorry for the dismissal delay today. Our bus drivers were instructed to make seating charts for their riders and that took more time than expected. We do appreciate your patience, grace and flexibility as we continue to work through these uncharted waters.

Lots of new employment opportunities have just been posted.
Check them out here!

GREAT first day at PJHS! We were SO happy to see students! Everyone did their part, and we appreciate it!

Ms. Hahnenkamp liked being able to participate during Mrs. Brinkoetter's Nearpod lesson with the students. Thanks for letting me stay for a few minutes after helping a few students having login troubles. They had good reasons to defend their choices.

Ms. Hahnenkamp had a wonderful time playing Kahoot with Mrs. Epley's class. They let me stay and play with them after I helped out one of their classmates. Thanks so much Mrs. Epley and class! You guys rock!

What a great start to the 20-21 school year at Lincoln Elementary! Busses have unloaded, student have all been temp check, breakfast has been served successfully and we are ready to start learning! Thanks to you all for your grace, patience and flexibility!! In-Person Learning and Remote Learning! Together, we've got this.

Please read the latest update to the Transition (Back to School) Plan thoroughly. If you have any questions please contact your school directly.

Reminder for PJHS & PHS remote learners- if you have not yet stopped by to pick up your remote learning materials, please do so today. Office hours are 8AM-3:30PM.

Attention parents of Lincoln Elementary Students: Please find attached the drop off and pick up safety procedures. August 19th is quickly approaching and we can't wait for everyone to get back to school! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rYpMFkla9ULwIThfTICQYxuebcV5Tjnvi-Y1DrFC0Fc/edit?usp=sharing

Remote Learning Info- Washington School

Breakfast and Lunch will be available for remote learners beginning Wednesday, August 19th. To participate, this form, which can be found on the main MENU page of our website, must be completed DAILY. Form submissions must be completed by 8 am of the day you wish to pick up food. This service is a PICK UP only service and must be picked up at EACH child's school.

We couldn't hold our Open House tonight in person but the staff at Lincoln Elementary put together these flipgrid videos so we could still hold our Open House Virtually!! Welcome Back Lincoln Learners! We can't wait to see you!

Washington School Updated Information

Attention PJHS Students and Families: Click this link to review Return to School Protocols as well as other important info. We are excited to see you on the 19th!

Please read the entire letter from the Superintendent regarding the changes in the calendar and the first day of school. Thank you.

Please see the updated Dates and Times List for the 20-21 School Year