Ms Hahnenkamp wants to wish these co-workers a Happy Retirement! Thanks for all you have done for the students at Pana Unit 8. May you enjoy more time to relax & enjoy your families.
almost 5 years ago, Hahnenkamp-K-5 Tech Integration
Ms Hahnenkamp wants to give a super huge shout out to this student. 3 years at Washington School and she hasn’t missed a day! Way to go! And it was so good to see her today when she came to pick up her report card.
almost 5 years ago, Hahnenkamp-K-5 Tech Integration
2020 Prom Court: Morgyn Kircher and Wyatt Cloe; Rhylee Freeman and Jacob Beyers; Olivia Schmitz and Xavier Jones; and Sway Denton and Bryce Edmiston
almost 5 years ago, Anna Patton
Rhylee Freeman and Jacob Beyers
Morgyn Kircher and Wyatt Cloe
Sway Denton and Bryce Edmiston
Olivia Schmitz and Xavier Jones
2020 Prom Queen and King: Kacey Swisher and Drake Spracklen
almost 5 years ago, Anna Patton
Kacey Swisher and Drake Spracklen
2020 Prom Queen and King: Kacey Swisher and Drake Spracklen
almost 5 years ago, Amanda Skinner
2020 Prom Queen and King: Kacey Swisher and Drake Spracklen
PJHS Last Day Reminders
almost 5 years ago, Juletta Ellis
last day
PHS Students & Families, With so much going on as we wrap up the year, please see the attached FAQ sheet for the most up to date information. Please let us know if you have questions. We are here to help! 562-6600
almost 5 years ago, Mrs. Adam
Pg 1
Pg 2
Pg 3
Can’t believe school’s over already! Definitely wasn’t what we expected but the students, parents, and teachers worked together and made it happen! 💪🤗😍#quaranteach2020 #remotelearning #lastdayofschool
almost 5 years ago, Meleah Brinkoetter
Guess who
Last day boys
Last day girls
A few more photos from Mrs. Crawford’s visits!
almost 5 years ago, Mrs. Crawford
Mrs. LaMarche's first grade class love visiting on our Google meetings!
almost 5 years ago, Mrs. LaMarche First Grade
Google meet
Google meet
Mrs. LaMarche's class has been having fun this month with our May fun days! We've enjoyed pet day, crazy hair day, dress fancy day, and create art day.
almost 5 years ago, Mrs. LaMarche First Grade
dress fancy day
crazy hair and art day
pet day
Mrs. Crawford made some exciting visits today to deliver a surprise to her first graders! What an exciting day!
almost 5 years ago, Mrs. Crawford
Mrs Patton has several senior shirts for sale in a variety of sizes. They are black and have the 20 with sigs on the back. EMAIL her ( if you are interested. First come, first served!!! Cost $25
almost 5 years ago, Anna Patton
Report Card Day at Washington Friday May 29th, 9-11 am
almost 5 years ago, Cheri Wysong
Join us on Friday 9-11 for packet pick up and lots of "Air Hugs"!!
PJHS yearbooks will be for sale tomorrow 5/26 during student belonging pick up. $20
almost 5 years ago, Juletta Ellis
5/26/20 *Final Return of packet work. Please return any items that belong to the school as well. *Personal Belonging still at school will be returned to you. *Say Good-Bye to your teacher To comply with the social distancing expectations we will be saying a quick good-bye from your car. Teachers will follow the schedule below. However, if this time doesn't work, you may return and pick up any time on 5/26 from 8:00-3:00. Schedule: 8:00-10:00 5th Grade Teachers will be distributing belongings and collecting packets 10:30-12:30 4th Grade Teachers will be distributing belongings and collecting packets 1:00-3:00 3rd Grade Teachers will be distributing belongings and collecting packets
almost 5 years ago, Lincoln Elementary (Mrs. Millburg)
Reminder to Seniors: Please return all loaner Chromebooks, chargers, and hotspots to the office by Tuesday, May 26th. The office will be open from 8 am - 11 am and you may call ahead to let them know you have something to drop off by calling 562-6600.
almost 5 years ago, Amanda Skinner
FYI: The Friday School Story on DoJo has experienced technical difficulty since 8:30 this morning.😒 The highlights are: ✨Report cards will be passed out BY THE TEACHERS on Friday May 29th. YES- you will be able to wave and say hi- We miss you so much!!! *** We will observe social distancing and you will be expected to stay in your car. We will do a "parade" type event around the school to wave, take pictures and close out our school year.! A map of the traffic pattern and the location of your child's teacher will be posted here next week. The time for this 'Parade' will be 9-11 am. on Friday May 29th. If you are unable to attend you may message me to make other arrangements to pick up your report card. We are looking forward to the opportunity to AIR HUG you all before summer break ❤
almost 5 years ago, Cheri Wysong
PJHS Students, final push to complete work if you haven't done so already. See you Tuesday!
almost 5 years ago, Juletta Ellis
Pick Up Info
Mrs. Hrabak’s handsome guys! All dressed up for the May fun day dress fancy.
almost 5 years ago, Janice Hrabak
Dress fancy
Dress fancy
Dress fancy