Shared my lunch time with four 6th grade boys. We shared good conversation and a few laughs. I love making connections with kids!

Students have been learning about fractions in math now. Simplest form is probably the most challenging, but most students can do it now.

My 5th grade friends will be researching inventions and in weeks to come will be creating one of their own!

Welcome to Washington School

Fifth graders will be identifying minerals next week by looking at their properties, such as luster, streak, and hardness.

Students are learning about mood and point of view. They had a blind read and had to add an illustration of their own that supported mood and point of view from the characters in the story. This was a quick check on comprehension.

Our class just finished The War That Saved My Life by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley. The students really wanted to continue reading the sequel, so we read the synopsis of her next book. I bought The War I Finally Won over the weekend, so we are now excited to be reading the sequel!

Title Reading has been reviewing for the IAR. We have covered the concepts of summarizing, text structure, main idea, sequencing, and cause and effect.

Today is a great day to do Thrillshare training!

Don't forget to order your yearbook.