It’s the beginning of a new learning from home week and Ms Hahnenkamp’s class went on a virtual field trip with #LearnAroundtheWorld to learn about the Brooklyn Bridge. Thanks @GeoBrandon for being our tour guide!

One School - One Book
PJHS Students - Chapters 4-5 are now available. Use this link to access the file to where you can listen and then participate in a school-wide discussion. https://bit.ly/pjhsreadaloud

A few more pics from PJHS's Virtual Spirit Week

3/30/20 Lincoln Elementary School Morning Announcements from outside with the packet PICK UP line!

All set up outside and waiting on you to come pick up your packets at Lincoln School. We will be here until 3:30. Come an git em!

Just a little something to keep everyone connected while we are apart. Keep sending those pictures to kmillburg@panaschools.com

Attention Parents of Lincoln Elementary Student. A second "Packet Pickup" for 3/30/20, will be from 7:30-3:30. Like last time, enter the bus lane from the SW corner of 2nd and Spruce and stay in your car. Someone will come to your car bringing the packet out to you.

Mrs. Schmitz’s class has been working hard at home.

Mrs. LaMarche's first graders not only work hard from home, but they are saying the Pledge of Allegiance each day with Mrs. Wysong and crafting hearts to thank those front line workers.

Ms Hahnenkamp’s class had 2 opportunities for virtual field trips hosted by @learnaroundtheworld 1st to learn about the Wright Brothers & 2nd to a coral reef in Indonesia.They met in between on Zoom w/Mrs Tynan& Mrs Bowker to drum & dance. Lots of fun & learning!

Mrs. Reynolds’ class has been on a 3D shape hunt at home!

New employment opportunities are available:

One School - One Book:
PJHS Students-Your reading teachers have put together a read aloud for you to enjoy at home. Use this link to access the file to where you can listen and then participate in a school-wide discussion.

Mrs. Schmitz’s class had a challenge to show ways to prevent the spreading of germs. Alyvia drew a picture to show how to wash your hands, Harrison showed us how to wash, and Meyer showed hand washing and social distancing from his twin sister!🤣

Pick up meals at the PHS between 8-10. If you are on the bus route these meals can be delivered between 8-9. You need to sign up only one time and anyone is eligible

Students in Mrs. Sloan’s class getting creative!!

March 26th, 2020
Dear K- 2 Students & Families,
(PK students teachers are contacting you for information and activities thru dojo- you do not need to come get packets)
1. The K-2 packets of instructional materials that you will need to go along with your assignments for March 31st-April 7th will be available for pickup Monday, March 30th at Washington School. Below, I have outlined the details:
• Kindergarten @ 9:00-10:00;
Grade 1 @ 1030-11:30;
Grade 2 @12:00 -1:00
• In order to make this less crowded, we ask that you follow the schedule, arrive from the south (just like the busses do) and stay in line. (please be patient). By coming in this way, you will be arriving at the back door with your passenger side window toward the building. I will run in and out of the back door to hand you the things that you need. (if you need any additional school supplies, message me on dojo and I will add them to your packet of learning materials)
• If you are unable to come to pick up your packet, send me an email at cwysong@panaschools.com and we will figure out other arrangements, but I would appreciate only having to figure this out for the truly in need- 300 separate arrangements is not an efficient way to do this. (Thank you)
• YOU DO NOT need to return your other work when you come….…. there are things in the first packets that will be needed for the next wave of assignments :0) Watch for guidance from your teacher of which things she wants you to send pictures of.
• If you have more than one student at Washington, please message me (before Monday) in dojo and tell me what time you are coming and I will have all your packets ready to go in one bag!! And if someone else is picking up your children’s packets, let me know that also (with time) and I will put your things with theirs so we can do this in the most efficient way possible….
2. Note: The state has determined that we will be moving from the ‘Act of God’ days to a ‘remote learning’ designation. What does this mean for us? It means that YOU have been doing an awesome job doing your work and asking questions when you need help. It means that WE will continue to support your child’s learning. It also means that we must continue to take attendance based on you picking up assignments and responding (we are aware that you may be doing this outside the ’normal school hours’, that is ok- we will still count you as in attendance if you are responding and turning in work.) This is a new way to teach and to learn for all of us, so please continue to work hard- we do not know at this time how long this will last, and we need to make sure that you are ready to finish the year strong!! This will continue to evolve but is so very, very important in your child being ready for the next grade.
3. Grab and Go meal pickups are currently occurring in the circle drive at the High School and coming on the busses daily from 8:00 -10:00 A.M. If you have not signed up but would like to, please go to www.panaschools.com to sign up. If you have already done this, the list will continue and you do not need to sign up again. *****NO meals (delivery or pick up) and NO instructional assignments will be sent out on dojo for April 9th, 10th or 13th. This is our designated spring break and that cannot be changed on the school calendar, and at this time no changes have been made in dates like the last day of school, High School graduation, etc. There are a lot of ‘wait and see’ things this year.
4. Should the closure extend past the April 7th date, I will provide you with additional information concerning details of plans for another round of instructional materials and how this will continue to evolve. (some of you already have that- just in case)
THANK YOU ALL for your patience and understanding as we navigate this unprecedented time in education. We will continue to communicate via class dojo, email, social media, and Lumen notifications. If you have additional questions, please contact the office at 562-7500. Office hours will remain 7:30AM-3:30PM Monday through Friday.
Mrs. Wysong

Mrs Patton held individual conferences with Comp kids today about their research papers. Students are doing a wonderful job working on their papers!

PJHS Students and Parents: Please read the following letter carefully for information regarding extended Distance Learning Days.