Mrs. Hrabak's Class shared their signs of Spring pictures and made a 3D shape for math.

Lincoln Elementary ztudents and Families please see the attached letter being shared today with the most up-to-date information regarding our school closure and our next wave of packet pick up procedures for Monday March 30th.

Mrs. Lehn hosted a Google Meet with a few of her students this morning during which we did a virtual show-and-tell! It was so nice seeing and talking to each other!! I sure do miss all of my second grade friends!!

PHS Students & Families,
Please see the attached letter being shared today with the most up to date information regarding our school closure.

Several of Mrs. Lehn's second graders are spreading kindness by creating hearts to hang in their windows to honor and support all the heroes in our wonderful town! Thanks to Ms. Blessman for the great idea!

There is so much E-Learning going on at Lincoln Elementary. The teachers and students have embraced technology like champions! Mrs. King has a class meeting for a read aloud!

Ms Hahnenkamp’s kids read a story about a girl going to a beach. Look 👀 who had a picnic “at the beach” 🏖 today.

Mrs Morrell’s Second Graders read a story today about a girl going to the beach for the first time. Of course that means we had to have a picnic lunch at the beach.

Some of Ms Hahnenkamp’s kids went on a virtual field trip to Indonesia to learn about Komodo dragons with #GeoShows. Thanks GeoBrandon for being our guide. And someone in our room was on the top of the Kahoot leader board!

Mrs. Epley had fun catching up with four of her students this morning. They played an indoor scavenger hunt.

Mrs. Smith’s Kindergarteners have been looking for signs of spring, and showing their appreciation for all of our essential workers!

Mrs. Rodman, Mrs. Lehn, Mrs. Morrell, and Ms. Hahnenkamp have a special message for their second friends. ♥️

Mrs. Schmitz’s class is working hard and showing their appreciation for our community workers!

Daily dose of PJHS positivity...the sun is out, the sky is blue, and the grass is green!

Art Challenge for 6-12 Art Students! We may have talked about the color wheel. Please find items that are neutral colors
Black - Brown - White - Gray. See what you find in your house or outside of your house! :)

Pick up meals at the PHS between 8-10. If you are on the bus route these meals can be delivered between 8-9. You need to sign up only one time and anyone is eligible

Mrs. Holman challenged Washington School students to make a color wheel out of items they could find around their house. Check out this one by 2nd graders Ryan, Norah, and Lucas! Super cool!! Mrs. Lehn is so proud of you three!

Look how hard these kiddos from Mrs. Lehn's class are working at home! They continue to be "ready to learn" even away from school!

Mrs. Lehn's class has been keeping very busy while learning at home. Several students completed her scavenger hunt challenge and had lots of fun in the process!

There is so much E-Learning going on at Lincoln Elementary. The teachers and students have embraced technology like champions! Mrs. Brinkoetter prepares her class for a Social Studies read aloud that is also an AR book!