Talk about a well oiled machine!! Here at Lincoln school we are getting those packets out faster than McDonald’s drive up!! It was all hands on deck and everyone was part of the team. I could not be more proud of our staff!
Great job guys #gumby
We saw tons of high school students show up this afternoon to pick up materials. If anyone is still needing materials please call the office to arrange pickup. Students don't forget to check Google Classroom and email your teacher with any questions you may have!
Mrs. Morrell’s Second Grade would like to thank Pana Save A Lot for donating bags to Washington School. We appreciate how you always support our local schools!!!
Good Morning!
The doors at Washington School will be unlocked beginning at 1:15 to pick up the materials and packets.... that said, due to the CDC recommendation for social distancing we respectfully ask:
1. Leave extra kiddos at home... the fewest possible people in your party-the better.
2. This will be a grab and go. Your packet will be in the hallway outside the classroom door. Teachers and assistants will be there to guide you. Though we love you all, please get in and out as quickly as possible and use dojo and email for communication.
3. Use the QR code posted on the door to sign up for meals. Additional packets will be distributed using this system (bus or pick up) as well. Our packets will go out weekly but the assignments will be pushed out to you on dojo daily.
4. If you know someone who is not on dojo and has questions, please give them the school phone number and have them call me. 562-7500.
5. Take time to read to your kiddos, ENJOY THEM! They will be grown and gone before you know it.... make this a special family time to help eliminate their fears in this difficult time.
Mrs. Wysong
All PHS Introduction to Art Students are learning and discovering the Pop Art movement. Here are some example projects on display outside of the Art Room! Pop Art focuses on mass media & culture. Here are great examples of those :) #PopArt #Artworks #Coolstuff
Meals (breakfast and lunch grab and go) will be available for pickup beginning 3/17 from 8-10am. So we can get an accurate count, please be sure to fill out the Google Form at
What better way to relax today and listen to children's book author, Dan Gutman, as he hosts a FB live read aloud this afternoon. His books are favorites...especially among the 3-5 grades.
More information follows below:
Attention Parents of Lincoln Elementary Students: Packet and Supply pickup for today Monday 3/16/20 will be from 1:00-3:30. We are currently working on how we will make all of this work. More information will be coming once we have the details in order.
Lincoln Elementary Distance Learning Letter For Parents and Guardians
The details of the pick up tomorrow will be posted here and on dojo tomorrow after the teacher meeting. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Stay tuned!!
Parents and Guardians,
As you are aware, due to a desire to slow the spread of COVID-19 (and other virus’) social distancing is recommended by the CDC (centers for disease control) and school has been cancelled for tomorrow. We are not scheduled to return until March 31. With this announcement, we have been working on plans for:
1. Learning packets and supplies for students- and how to get those to you
2. A plan of how you can reach your child’s teacher to get help if you have questions (for each building)
3. Food distribution for anyone who needs/wants it for their child/children
We have developed a “Distance Learning” experience for your students that will provide meaningful assignments beyond simple busy work. Distance Learning is obviously not going to replace the engagement with a teacher in a classroom, but it will provide the necessary review and practice to help kids skills stay sharp and to avoid a loss in learning. Our Distance Learning experiences are not digital at this level - we do not have devices like the Jr. High and High School students, however, some links to web sites will be provided as extra learning activities that kids can do if you choose to once their assigned tasks are completed. We want pencil and paper and learning engagement BEYOND a screen. This is the best way for young children to learn and reinforce skills.
Learning packets and supplies may be picked up at Washington School after 1:00 and before 3:30 on Monday. If you are unable to do this, please call the school (562-7500) and we will make other arrangements for you. There are 3 important pieces of information on the panaschools web site. Please go there to view them. They include:
1. A memo stating about no school tomorrow and the inclusive dates
2. A letter from Mr. Bauer
3. Information about signing up to get breakfast and lunch for your children who attend Washington School and a sign up link so we can ensure that we have enough meals.
Our Plan: Once you have picked up your learning packet (or made other arrangements with the office to get it), each morning your child’s teacher will send you a list of the activities on DoJo that they would like your child to complete during their learning day. (If you are not on DoJo you may receive this list through email or by calling the office or emailing the teacher asking for the code to join the DoJo).You are asked to ‘like’ or respond in some way each day so she knows that you have received the information. This will ensure that everyone is getting what they need.
Your child’s teacher will monitor DoJo from 8:15-1:15 each day and will also be available to answer questions via email. We are aware that parent work hours may interfere with the 8:15-1:15 time frame so students may be 1 day behind. This is not a concern for us as the material is intended to be for practice daily and to reinforce and keep skills sharp- you will NOT be expected to help them with new material that your student has never seen before. All assigned material are skills your child needs to practice and commit to memory as appropriate. (math facts/activities, sight words, phonics practice, etc.) If you have questions, and are working outside the 8:15-1:15 time frame, send a message and you will get an answer the next day. We will continue this process as long as we are out of school, and additional material may be shared with you as we move forward so keep an eye on DoJo and the panaschools web site for the most up to date information.
Thank you for all your patience and understanding as we navigate this unprecedented time in education. We will continue to communicate with you as new information becomes available. Please contact me at Washington school if you have additional questions.
Mrs. Wysong
PJHS Students and Parents, please carefully read this information regarding the mandated school closing. Thank you!
Parents/Guardians: From March 17 - 30th, Pana CUSD plans to offer a free "grab and go" breakfast and lunch option to ALL PK-12 students.
Students who are not on a bus route can pick up breakfast/lunch at TWO locations: the PJHS Circle Drive OR the PHS Circle Drive each day between 8:00 am - 10:00 am. Students who are currently on a bus route will have lunches delivered during this time.
It is imperative that we have an accurate count for lunches! Please complete the following survey each day before 7:00 am.
Parents and Students: Please see the most updated information as provided by Superintendent Bauer.
Attention Parents & Students: All Pana CUSD #8 schools will be closed tomorrow, Monday, March 16th.
All teachers and staff will report to their respective buildings.
More information will be available on e-learning and food options via the website.
Please see the attached memo on school closing and upcoming dates:
Parents: Please take a moment to read the following letter from Superintendent Bauer. Please note the dates of closing will be Tuesday, March 17 through March 30. The first day students will resume normal schedules will be Tuesday, March 31st.
Drew Bland from The Zone was a guest speaker at PJHS today for the 5K class. He spoke about maintaining motivation and even led the kids, teachers, and Mrs. Ellis in a workout!
Having some fun with our Smartboard lessons this week in Mrs. Crawford’s class!
PJHS PBL egg drop champions!