Introducing Jessica Swenny. Pana Elementary School and Pana CUSD #8 are so excited that you are here with us! Check out the picture to learn more about her.
It was a great first day at PJHS! We loved seeing the familiar faces of our 7th & 8th graders and welcoming our new 6th graders!
Introducing Danielle Black. Pana Elementary School and Pana CUSD #8 are so excited that you are here with us! Check out the picture to learn more about her.
Introducing Jessica Jones. Pana Elementary School and Pana CUSD #8 are so excited that you are here with us! Check out the picture to learn more about her.
Introducing Jessica Swenny. Pana Elementary School and Pana CUSD #8 are so excited that you are here with us! Check out the picture to learn more about her.
Thank you to Poettker Construction for taking these photos during last evening's celebration.
Thank you to Poettker Construction for taking these photos during last evening's celebration.
Introducing Jenny Epley. Pana Elementary School and Pana CUSD #8 are so excited that you are here with us! Check out the picture to learn more about her.
Rep. Brad Halbrook visited Pana Elementary School last evening during our Open House & Ribbon Cutting event.
Pictured (L to R): Board President Kyle Anderson, Rep. Brad Halbrook, and PES Principal Adam Metzger
Introducing Brenda Terneus. Pana Elementary School and Pana CUSD #8 are so excited that you are here with us! Check out the picture to learn more about her.
Introducing Lee Hicks. Pana Elementary School and Pana CUSD #8 are so excited that you are here with us! Check out the picture to learn more about her.
Pana High School is proud to introduce our new Algebra 1 teacher, Mrs. Gerlene Geronimo. Welcome to Pana CUSD 8!
It was a historic night for Pana CUSD #8 as they hosted the dedication of the new Pana Elementary School. We had the school board members from the past and present here for the dedication. PES staff is ready to welcome students!
Mr. Metzger and Mrs. Matthews lead the first Pana Elementary School opening staff meeting. Everyone is thrilled to be a part of the first staff to welcome students in the school! Amazing things are awaiting the next generation of learners!
Pana High School is proud to introduce our new Special Education teacher, Mrs. Amanda Cunningham. Welcome to Pana CUSD 8!
Pana High School is proud to introduce Pam DeWerff, who will be assisting with Algebra 1 classes and teacher mentoring. Welcome to Pana CUSD 8!
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Bus Pick Up Please review the bus pick-up times for this school year. If you're a new bus rider and you have not spoken with our transportation department, please give them a call tomorrow morning at 562-1500. Thank you!
Pana High School is proud to introduce our new Drivers Education and World History teacher, Mr. Kevin Reedy. Welcome to Pana CUSD 8!
Introducing Delaney VanDoren. Pana Elementary School and Pana CUSD #8 are so excited that you are here with us! Check out the picture to learn more about her.
Pana CUSD #8 is excited to welcome our new leadership team. It's going to be an amazing year!