Congratulations to Lucas Duduit for placing 2nd in Engineering Graphics at the EIU Sectional for the Academic Challenge. Lucas qualifies for that state competition in April.

Wednesday is an early dismissal for PT Conferences from 12:45-3:30

PJHS will distribute 3rd quarter report cards on Friday, March 15th.

Last week 6th grade students began making models of a plant cell. Students had to color and cut the organelles and had to determine where within a cell to position the organelles. They also had to identify the function of the organelles.

New employment opportunities available:

Seniors- Scholarship due dates are closer than they appear! Check out the new bulletin board outside of Student Services. New scholarships will be added regularly :-)

In 9th hour PBL 4 teams have successfully mastered working with scale measurements and demonstrated their proficiency by drawing and building a Warren truss bridge to ⅜” scale.

The low voltage team of Babe Bradley and James Hill completed a model of the low voltage systems for the solar car.

Students were introduced to the angle relationships that are formed when a pair of parallel lines are cut by a transversal. This new concept was reinforced in a fun way by playing Dance Dance Transversal.

We love to eat dirt!!

Eating some delicious dirt!

PJHS Drama Class will be performing “The Internet is Distracting...Oh Look a Kitten!” today at 3:00 in the PJHS Auditorium. Here are a few pictures from Thursday’s performance.

Students in the Drama PBL (first time ever at PJHS) have been working very hard on a performance to share with their classmates on Thursday and their families on Saturday. We are nervous, but excited!

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Cephalopoda
Overall evaluation? Excellent day today in Zoology!

Sixth graders are ready to start the 4th quarter off strong! They will be using their reading and writing skills to prepare for the upcoming IAR assessments.

In landscaping class, the students have planted seeds, now have seedlings growing. A major task accomplished was to have the students label their flats with plant name and variety.

The physics students spent several days designing and testing balsa wood bridges. The winning bridge held 131 lbs and weighed only 0.12 lbs when constructed.

Student Council is selling popcorn to raise funds for 2019 Homecoming activities. Orders and money due 03/15. See a PHS StuCo member to order!

Plt4m training in High School Physical Enhancement Classes. This is a way to integrate technology into the weight lifting classes to hopefully increase students knowledge on lifelong fitness.

English III is learning about Transcendentalism. We wrote our own poems last week and submitted them to a poetry contest. Good luck to all the students who entered!