Physical Enhancement Classes using PLT4M technology in the classroom. We have also used several new ideas in our physical education classrooms: Norwegian Longball, Switch, and Pacer Test Relays. These ideas came from the PE workshop we attended a few weeks ago.

Los estudiantes de español uno están aprendiendo sobre la cultura española con información sobre "La fiesta brava"

Freshmen are finishing reading Romeo and Juliet- projects are coming soon (due Friday, March 15)!

Comp 2 "Lucy" Project

Today's Driver Education classes were amazed to see how complex driving can be in urban settings like the Streets of San Francisco.

PHS Zoology & Botany Class will be doing some dissecting this week! Focus is on the Phylum Mollusca!

In Consumer Education Class we have been working on the student's portfolios by creating Resumes, Letter of Applications and Thank you letters that they will be able to use for future use.

Thank you Dr. Beyers for visiting our Introduction to Business class on Tuesday to discuss a variety of topics related to running a business.

Julius Caesar vs. Marcus Brutus...It looks like a Pro-Caesar year!

The book fair for students at Lincoln Elementary will be held during the school day 3/7 and 3/8.

Health JAM 2019 was completed on Wednesday February 27 with a full day of Career Day. All 5th grade students completed the 6 week challenge of "Walking Across Illinois." Students were paired in groups and challenged by wearing fitbits to have enough steps to walk across Illinois.

Students researched and created an animal slide project on GoogleSlides.

Students made some awesome landform models out of salt dough.

This week students are giving oral reports on their Famous Black Americans.

Finishing up our Science Unit on Physical vs. Chemical Changes!

Mrs. Epley's third graders have read more than seventeen million words in Accelerated Reader as a group! Way to read!!

Students presented their google slide projects on the Presidents this week.

Book Fair starting next week! These two 8th grade students (Bailey Carnahan and Faith Horton) have the most Outside Reading points so far this year. They are showing you some books we will have for sale.

Excited that several students have met their requirements to "graduate" from math intervention class this week.

In seventh grade language arts, students did a "speed dating" activity to provide each other feedback on their argument essay introductions.