Thank you to Ben Tarter (Mrs. King’s brother) for giving a presentation about turkeys to our third graders. We always love when he comes in. We learn a lot about turkey hunting.
Mrs. Schmitz’s class had fun working together as a team to make butter. We “churned” butter by shaking cream in a jar and then enjoyed tasting our butter on crackers.
Next time you are at the high school come check out the new trophy case display. The 2021-2022 girls’ basketball state series plaques and the 3rd place in state trophy are on display. It looks sharp.
Thank You Pana School Board for watching over us! We are thankful for you and your hard work!
Congrats to Juniors Emma Stephens and John Berns on being selected to the lIlinois Music Educator's All-State Conference in January! Emma will be singing in the All-State Choir and John will participate in a three-day long composition workshop. John also placed FIRST in the Choral and Small Instrumental Ensemble categories in the State Composition Contest! WAY TO GO! We are so proud of you!
Congratulations to these fine young musicians on their participation in the Illinois Music Educators Association District 5 Festival on Saturday, November 19 at EIU. It was a wonderful experience for them to play and sing with other music students from our area under renowned guest conductors. Emma Stephens, Nicole Arkebauer and Aaliyah Cooks sang in the Senior Mixed Chorus, Cayden Boykin played trumpet it the Junior Band, and Carson Wilhour played percussion in the Senior Band. Congratulations to you all!
Students & staff at Lincoln School were treated to a concert by the PHS Marching Panthers to celebrate American Education Week. Thanks Mr. Hicks & band students!You were amazing! Check them out.
Sixth grade students at PJHS ate lunch as a "family" today. Each homeroom set up their classroom in a way that students could sit around a "family table" together to eat lunch. Teachers led the students in discussing things that they are thankful for.
PJHS has been celebrating American Education Week. Yesterday we had some fun as teachers dressed as students and students dressed as teachers!
6th grade language arts students shared their "Thankful Narratives" at the "Cornucopia Coffee House" event! A huge thank you to the students for their amazing stories! Thank you to family and friends of these students for coming and showing your support! It was a great night!
Hey Panther Fans!
Check out the attached schedule for the upcoming Girls Basketball Tournament. Plenty of opportunities to support our Panthers!
Thank you, Veterans! We cannot wait for you to receive our letters!❤️🤍💙
Junior High cinnamon roll fundraiser orders will be delivered tomorrow afternoon, FRIDAY NOV. 18. The cinnamon rolls will be frozen and should be taken home promptly. Students with small orders can take them home at the end of the day. Students with large orders should make arrangements to be picked up at the front of the school building at 3:18 dismissal.
Congratulations to our November Student's of the Month at PJHS!
8th Grade - Jamie Hunter & Harrison Cothern
7th Grade - Megan Hudelson & Lowell Witt
6th Grade - Addie Bauer & Jeff Scoles
Pana CKH students are collecting canned good donations to donate to our local food pantry! You can bring donations to the office at any time or bring them to any of the boys or girls home basketball games! #BetterTogether #BeAPartOfThePride #CKH
This month Student Council put up a Gratitude Tree for PJHS students. In class, students discussed what it means to be grateful and wrote out something they were grateful for on their leaf. @heartCKH
The Ag Mech and Tech classes were excited to review with buzzers.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the CKH Socktober Sock drive! We were able to donate 287 pairs of socks to our local mission!
Congratulations to our November CKH Character trait winners Delaney Hackler, Landon Meadows, Ethan Hicks, & Joel Deere. Teachers were asked to spotlight students that model teamwork. Thank you Officer Adam Ladage for giving a keynote, & Ms. Kuhn & students for making breakfast!
Lincoln School was SO EXCITED to host the PHS Marching Panthers and Mr. Hicks today. 🥁🎺🎷
The students loved the performance as part of our American Education Week activities!
There is still a buzz (and some drumming) throughout the building!
Thank you for taking the time to come to Lincoln School. 🔶🔷